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I saw an ad in a paper that R Guns in IL. were selling .40 cal sigpro 2340's for $399

I thought this was a great deal. so i sent my money,a copy of my local gun shops FFL and a purchase order...

I sent the money on monday overnight. The money was there on tuesday.

I called R Guns tuesday and asked if they shipped it. They replied "yes we sent it overnight today"

Well its friday and still no gun. So i called and asked if they could track the shipment. they said ok and got my phone number.

About an hour later i got a call. "Ummmm, the reason we couldnt send your gun was because the FFL was un-readable"

Im wondering why i didnt get a phone call telling me that on tuesday? i even called them on tuesday and they said they shipped it. they flat out lied to me.

I asked what they meant by unreadable. she said the ink was too dark or maybe too light. I know this is BS because i copied all the info from the FFL to the purchase order by hand. I read it fine. why couldnt they read it ?

I called my FFL holder and told him about it. he simply said BS ! he sends copies like that one all over the USA and never has a problem. Now i have to go back to the gun shop and get another copy. re-overnight the money on monday and wait. I told the employee at R guns that for each copy of an FFL cost me $50 and she acted like that was no big deal (lucky for me the gun shop isnt charging me)

Its the principle of the whole thing that pisses me off to no end ! You send these people your money and they F you over and over. Never again will i shop from R Guns or any shop i cant walk in to personally.

I would just like everyone to see this so they wont have to go through the same thing. I used to be a business owner. and when a company holds your goods or money you get pissed. Any good business knows this is not what makes customers happy. R Guns are the type of company that gives mail order a bad name.

I hope someone from R Guns sees this so they know that people communicate. and when you F over 1 customer word spreads.

TIM : )
I understand your frustration.

One question though: If you're so full of righteous indignation about them having "flat out lied" to you, how do you justify telling them you're charged $50 per FFL copy when you aren't being charged? I don't mean any disrespect, but shouldn't honor and honesty go both ways?
Touche! Not nearly the same thing!

As I said, I understand your frustration. I get pretty nasty when I'm angry, too. It just seems to me that the best way to handle the situation might be to walk away from it, and buy your Sigpro elsewhere. That's how I've taken to dealing with people/companies that let me down.
Not to mention they have $400 of my money. I have every right to lie to get my $400 worth of goods. If i take $400 from you i think you have the right to lie,curse, and steal back your 400 worth.

I honestly sent my money. I honestly expect my gun. Not lies, bad service and a hard time. Not to mention if i had to pay for the shipping of the FFL overnight i would be spending more money. I just want what i paid for. as anyone else would.

TIM : )
I'd love to get my money back. I sent them a money order that i bought at a 7-11. any ideas how that works ?

TIM : )
Jerky, don't let anyone yank your chain. You did the right thing...I would probably have gone further and demanded they throw in more merchandise to make up for the money they cost you.
Try getting something from InterOrdnance.

I ordered a FMP receiver and HK G3 parts kit from them about 2.5 months ago, while being assured they would, "be in at the end of the month." End of the month: "two weeks." Two weeks: "end of the month." ad infinitum.

I'd appreciate a, "sorry, aren't going to get them by the end of the year," honesty rather than nonstop lies.
Tim try and get another mag! When i order my gun i maild them a postal money order,the money got there in 3 days. they cashed it. They did not send the gun after 3 days.
Postal money order is as good as cash Like TIM said they ship the game the same day they get the money. i all ready have my gun well its at my local gun shop waiting a few more days to pick it up.
TIM GOOD LUCK ON YOUR GUN they seem to be unorgnized. oh well email me!
I thought everyone knew about R Guns already,
hands down one of the worst shops to deal with- after speaking with them several times and years of hearing horrible things about them-Bowers board, Vollmers board (especially on items that are said to be in stock)- the person orders the item, then never gets it, calls back- and all the customer gets is a nasty reply from one of the few jerks that works at R Guns. This place is not one of the good guys-
Whoa. Glad I read this. See their ad all the time and have been inpressed by their low prices but I knew there had to be a hitch somewhere.

- Ron V.

Tim, don't lower yourself to the level of your opponet. You have been wronged, don't use their methods against them. It's hard, but honesty is still the best policy. Remember, you can always sue the b-st-rds. Go to court with clean hands and you'll be in better shape.

If you can't work this out with them, get an attorney to write them a letter simply asking for your money back. At the firm I work we do this kind of thing all the time. You'd be amazed how ofter companies "see the light."

Sorry for all the trouble. Keep it on the high road.
I received my 2340 from them yesterday, no problem. I also did not had any problems with the 226 I bought from them a few months back.

Unlike many vendors, they DON'T charge extra for credit cards. Even if a vendor wants s a surcharge for credit cards (usually 2-3%) I go ahead and pay it. I think of it as insurance --- If a deal doesn't go through EXACTLY as discussed, I call the credit card company and they don't get paid. I also order guns by faxing a letter to the vendor stating exactly the conditions of the sale with my credit card info on it. That acts as a written record of the transaction that you can go back to it you aren't happy.

I also shower copies of my dealer's FFL by snail mail to every vendor in the country that I might want to buy from in the future. When I want something, a phone call & fax is all it takes, then I have it the next day.

I also want to add on R Guns behalf that they are the only company that I know of that is passing on the free shipping deal on to the customer. Apparently, since handgun shippers were not given adequate forwarning about the change in UPS policy, some vendors (I do not know all the details of who)are allowed to send handguns for free until December 4.

Before I started dealing with R Guns, I stopped by their shop in Illinois to see if they were ligit. It is a small pawn shop in a small strip mall in a sparsely populated road west of Chicago. The people were very nice. It is not a big-time computerized outfit like KY imports or CDNN. Their deal on Sig Pros, the best that I know of in the country, probably overwhelmed them. They should have admitted their mistake, but I don't think they were trying to rip you off.

If you are wondering, I don't work there, I'm not friends with anyone who works there, not do I have any business interest in the store.
Well R Guns changed their story again. Now they claim the FFL wasnt signed. They said it cant be signed in black ink ???????

I went to my FFL holder and he signed it in 3 diffrent colors just for spite. he claims he has never been through so much crap by any dealer. He also added that this is the price you pay for dealing with an unknown source.

I just what them to tell me the real reason my gun cant be shipped. I could have paid for,filled out the background check,waited 7 days and had the gun home by now if i would have bought locally. Never again will i give r guns one red cent of my money. Neither will any of my friends.

TIM : )
I have to laugh when someone says to "take the high road" in such a case. I am sure it will be such a comfort if you have neither your gun NOR your money after a few months that you are "taking the high road."
still not finding anything on 2340's. My catalogs are listing SigPRo,p220,226,229,239's in .40 s/w. Ill check a few more places. What are the specs on the 2340?
My goof. Its the Sig Pro. The SP2340B-.40cal-3.9"brl-cap10-black-I'll let you know.
IF you can get it for $399. go for it! The best I can do $472.45 plus shipping.Sorry.

[This message has been edited by TGS (edited November 21, 1999).]
Jerky - now they've crossed the line from being, well, jerky, to being a-holes.

Unfortunately, the only way to get your money back on a cashier's check or money order is to sign an affidavit stating it was lost, stolen, or destroyed, and you're still liable if the bank pays the item.

I hope you get your pistol this time. If not, it's time to get nasty. Thanks for the heads up on R Guns.
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