Bad news for Sabre Defense...


New member
... and I really like my 16" AR, too.

There was an article in the March 29 Stars and Stripes, too, but I couldn't find it in their online edition. Go figure.

Anyway, looks like they are under indictment now in both the UK and the US; apparently warrants were served today at the Tennessee offices. Allegedly, the company shipped various parts to proscribed countries, and deliberately mis-labeled them as part of the process. The one that really seemed to catch the media's attention was the alleged labeling of suppressors as "lawn mower mufflers."

Any bets whether BATFE will try to maximize coverage of this, to distract from present difficulties?
Yeah, bummer. But they broke a number of laws pretty flagrantly.

I must admit having nearly spewed amusement all over my keyboard at the Daily Mail's photo of an AR on a bipod. They called it a "mounted machine gun".

It wouldn't surprise me to see ATF crank the publicity up to 11 on this. But even if they do, at least we can be glad that the affair didn't end with multiple civilian casualties. Considering the outfit we're talking about here, that's a marked improvement.
Any bets whether BATFE will try to maximize coverage of this, to distract from present difficulties?

Sabre broke the law, plain and simple. The BATFE can have a big party. You see, your citation is a bit wrong.

4 with Nashville arms firm plead guilty

It is hard to say allegedly when they have pled guilty.|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE

4-7 years ought to give them pause before such idiocy in the future. I don't think they will be handling firearms in the future, certainly not making them.
The owner and officers of Sabre Defense deserve whatever comes their way. They peddled guns to several middle eastern countries. Sabre owner Guy Savage will be extradited soon to face the music. 20 years sounds about right for Savage.
Schmucks. Pure and simple. Anyone who would voluntarily break the law for the sake of his employer is a moron of the most egregious sort. Especially when the law is a federal law.

... not sure how my citation was wrong, per se. Apparently, you found a newer article than the ones I encountered.

Either way, I'm not trying to defend Sabre Defense, even if I am bummed that I will no longer have customer support for my rifle (though it hasn't needed any to date).

I'm just curious as to whether BATFE and/or DOJ will try to score big media points on this case, to distract from Gunrunner. So far, they haven't, and that really surprises me.
I'm just curious as to whether BATFE and/or DOJ will try to score big media points on this case, to distract from Gunrunner. So far, they haven't, and that really surprises me.

The BATFE did a good job of taking down the rogue leadership of a gun manufacturer. This operation is almost unheard of outside pro-gun boards. The BATFE seldom crows about its operations.
The BATFE seldom crows about its operations.
Actually, when the Gunwalker allegations started appearing in the mainstream media, someone leaked an internal ATF memo encouraging folks in local field divisions to publicize their busts. The idea was to balance out the negative publicity they were getting.