Gun control already makes it through like a hot knife through butter here in the People's Republic. I don't think the Democraps gaining more seats makes one bit of difference other than to embolden them even more.
Now with the election out of the way, and no worries of gun owner backlash, Gray-brained Davis will only be so happy to sign every p.o.s. that comes down the chute.
With the election in Kalifornia now over, we have another issue to consider: to register or not to register.
Those of you who believe registering your "assault" weapons will guarentee you get to keep them, keep dreaming; SKS-style turn-in is right around the corner as soon as one of the usual pieces of s*** submits the bill. And whether you believe it or not, you're lending aid to their efforts.
Is a little bit of perceived "safety" and the ability to go plinking with said weapons at the local range worth selling out your fellow gun owners?
[This message has been edited by RMc (edited November 08, 2000).]