Bad news: double F4 12months, maybe longer!


New member
I have a machine gun transferring in from an individual who is out of state.

That is a double form 4 submission: the first form 4 from the seller to my dealer, and the second form 4 from my dealer to me.

According to my holding dealer, due to the 41F/P panic, all form 4s are taking 6 months, even form 4 from individual to dealers. This means I won't have my gun for a projected 12 months!

Worse news....

By the time the time the second form 4 starts, they won't know if things will slow down due to implementation of 41F/P. Remember that now they're fingerprinting everyone on the trust. So the second form 4 may take even longer.

Yeah, that sucks. But at least Form 4s aren't taking 10 - 12 months like they were back in 2013 - 2014. And at least 41F isn't as bad as we all worried it would be: We all though it might require sign-offs for everyone on the trust, and that would be a disaster for many people.

That's the sad thing about this NFA game; we can always remember times when things were way worse, or we can imagine ways they could screw us over even more, so getting screwed over just a little bit more seems acceptable...
Local shop sold some cans to local police department, forms came back in two weeks.... I should have chosen "Police Dept." as the name of my trust! :D
I was at a shoot this weekend, and another dealer mentioned that he sees from 4s in Texas taking 4 months or so. He disagrees with the six month assessment. That's some good news.
My most recent acquisition took 5 months. I purchased in mid December 2015, check cashed 12-28-15 and stamp in hand 5-20-16. The interesting thing to me is that the approval date on the F4 was 4-29-16. In the past I have had the stamp in hand within a few days of the approval date.
The consensus that I am hearing now is 5 months on each form 4.

So assuming that after 41F, things stay the same, then 10 months for a double form 4 to complete.

Whether wait times actually increase after 41F, there's no way to know.
Submitted paperwork for suppressor in Nov. 2015 on a trust written up by attorney. Still waiting.
Processed, CCW, 2 SBR's and 1 suppressor earlier 2015, all went through within 3-4 months. Is this political or is the BATFE that backlogged?
Found thread that lists a ph# to check on status. Will try tomorrow.
Just wondering how long it's taking with other applications.
Submitted two on-line form 1s last year, both approved in 3 months +/- a day.

Form 1 submitted this year on 2/18.... still waiting.
Is this political or is the BATFE that backlogged?
Really that backlogged, but...
Congress controls the resources necessary to hire more agents.
The president controls ATFE.
So, both.

In their defense it isn't easy to forecast these things. No one has much of idea what is going to happen between now and November and less after November.
Good news. The first leg of the double form 4 only took three months.

The first of my double form 4s was approved and is now in the hands of the seller.

It's kind of sad that it takes two form 4s to transfer a single item. In addition to the time to transfer this item, it also costs $400 in NFA taxes.
Think how the folks in the 1930s felt! $200 was a BUNCH of money then.

People keep poking the FedGov about changing the NFA '34 and one of these days they are gonna raise that Tax.
Form 1 filed early Jan 16 still not approved.

"Really that backlogged, but...
Congress controls the resources necessary to hire more agents.
The president controls ATFE.
So, both."

As I've said before, "they" don't really want "you" to have these things(which the Constitution says you CAN own as long as you jump through the hoops) so do their best to make the process as onerous and frustrating as possible.

"$200 was a BUNCH of money then."
With that in mind the government figured to put the items out of the realm of the working man. Those who had that much spendable cash were either known "big spenders" or "suspects".
.....As I've said before, "they" don't really want "you" to have these things(which the Constitution says you CAN own as long as you jump through the hoops) so do their best to make the process as onerous and frustrating as possible.....

Let me help....(which the Constitution guarantees your right to "keep" and "bear" without being "infringed" upon)

Seems like we are so far down the road of infringement that many liberals think "shall not be infringed" means they can pass laws to infringe upon your rights.

Which came first...the chicken (infringement) or the egg (lowering of reading comprehension)?