bad luck today

old fart

New member
i have a blued ruger police service six, it had just a small bare line of metal showing behind the turn line on the cylinder. i messed up big time today, i tried g96 cold blue. big mistake it took my bluing off my cylinder. now i have thumbnail size blotches of bare metal all over the cylinder. i don't know what is in it but it ain't good. now it looks like as much as i like this gun i can't live with it like it is and i need a handgun so sending it off is a no go either. gonna post it for sale soon, if i could kick myself i would. i wished i had left it alone but thats seems to be my luck lately. the g96 is bad stuff to bluing for some reason.
Before you do that, is there a shop nearby you where you might lay claim to a bit of Oxphoblue? It won't make it beautiful, but I know you like that pistol, and it just might un-do what that other stuff did.
Oxphoblue can be ordered from Brownells. Great stuff. Best cold blue on the market.
If careful & you do the entire cylinder you might come out with a pretty
decent looking job.
Degreasing totally is critical, & warming the piece can help.
Try a hairdryer.
I agree with the responses so far. Since you can't let go of it long enough to get a real reblue done, Oxpho is the next best thing.

I've had very good luck with it. It's easy to use and looks good when you're done. It's probably not as durable as regular bluing, but it holds up pretty well to use--and if it starts to fade, it's very simple to touch it up.
Fixed it until you broke it.

Seriously, just keep it and shoot it. And get it refinished when you can. It's a tool.
wished i hadn't messed with it. i am a little lucky tho, the frame was at 98%+ so i didn't try to blue it thank goodness. but the cylinder now is about 70% bluing left. i just can't handle complete bare spots unless they are small, if it was just lightly blued i'd be ok. i just need the cylinder blued so may be it won't cost too much. and i can mail the cylinder myself and maybe it won't be gone long.. thanks
i have a neighbor that came over, he got some duracoat for his guns. said he didn't have enough to try my whole gun but would do my cylinder. i thought well by gun frame don't need it so ok go ahead as i have decided to keep it even if i have to send the cylinder off. i've had several friends that offered to loan me one of there guns till mine is fixed so i have that problem solved. he said he would bring it back tomorrow. i will post a picture when he is done. thanks again
FWIW, I have used G96 cold blue on a number of blued guns and never had it take bluing off, but I don't have a blued Ruger Service Six to try, so I can only repeat the general advice to try any chemical on a hidden place on the gun to be sure it does no harm.

i got my cylinder back, it looks great and i will post a pic soon. seems to be a very hard coating of some sort, all he had was flat black but it looks ok. i like it, and also i wanted to update that i called ruger, they won't blue my cylinder or gun or nothing. they only service current models. i called twice and talked to two different people and got the same answer. they also told me that i could send the whole gun in and get a gp100 or sp101 at a discounted price. looks like if this coating doesn't hold i'll be sending my cylinder to someone who can do it at a fair price. thanks and pics to come soon.