Bad Hardchrome Job

Mike Baugh

New member
I just got back a 1911 that I had customized and sent to get hardcromed . I have used this company in the past on 3 1911's and have been very satisfied with their work , but this time I have a problem . I sent a letter with the gun asking for the entire gun to be bead blasted prior to plating . I also talked to them on the phone to let them know the gun was on the way and to tell them about the bead blasting . They said no problem we blast before plating . The reason for the bead blasting was I had to file , stone and polish certain areas to make them align and to remove some tool marks , I explained this in the letter and on the phone and said I was looking for a nice even finish . When I recieved the gun it had been very lightly vapor blasted [if anything]and you could see where my polishing had stopped and the factory finish had remained . I have a considerable amount of money in this weapon and I believe it should be done correctly . I am going to call the company tomorrow and see if he will redo the gun . The question is if he will not what would happen if I sent the gun to be blasted on top of the hardchrome . I doubt if the blasting will remove the hardchrome [I believe it has to be acid stripped] but I wonder if it would even out the finish . I thought some of you might have blasted hardchrome before and could give me your opinion . Thanks , Mike...
Mike, chrome has to be chemically stripped. This won't change the finish, only remove the chrome. I think you will find that the company will try to make you happy in this. I know that if a customer wasn't satisfied with the fourth such job that I had done for him I would certainly be willing to do it again to his satisfaction, else I might not see the fifth job. George
George , thanks for the reply . I spoke with the company and they said when they told me bead blast they meant vapor blast . After talking with them they said if I wanted to send the gun back they would strip it and send it back to me and I could get it blasted and send it back to them for rechroming . I hate to go through the trouble so I might just live with it . I am very picky on a guns finish and just felt like the letter and phone call should have made clear what I wanted . Thanks , Mike...