Bad foreign movie


New member
I have been hearing something about a movie for TV premier coming out that supposedly is based on a fiction about the assassination of a setting real president. I heard it would be shown in Canada, first. I suppose this will be like a wet dream for the froot loop left wing fringe, but I expect it to be in poor taste and maybe even disgusting. Can anyone fill me in on details? I got some ideas for fictional movies of my own, in they want to go over the top with something like that. :eek:
Yes, I have seen some reports about it today on MSNBC---including the image of Bush being shot and assasinated:barf: Whole free speech issue etc...but more along the lines of screaming fire in a theatre IMO.
Hey Redworm, what's the deal here? This whole thing sounds very Michael Moore to me. It's a lousy agenda even to lightly contemplate. Leave it to Canada for such boorish behavior.
but more along the lines of screaming fire in a theatre IMO.
How so? Someone wants to tell a story. Regardless of that person's political leanings it's highly highly doubtful this is some kind of instructional video.

Hey Redworm, what's the deal here? This whole thing sounds very Michael Moore to me.
Does anyone know what movie we're talking about? :confused: I don't see how it sounds Michael Mooreish...Moore made a couple movies and tried to pawn them off as documentaries. For all we know this is nothing more than an action movie meant to entertain.

No one gets mad about Mace Windu fighting serpents on an airliner, why should this be any different? Oh, it's using a real person as the subject...boohoo. Where was the backlash over using Kim Jong Il in Team America?

Why don't we examine more information on the movie in question before we get our panties in a bunch about the hippie liberals egging people to kill Bush? :rolleyes:
The Film: A metaphorical troll
The people who are going to bust forehead veins over it: The idiot trollees

Thanks. Seems like the assassination is just used as the catalyst for the story being presented, not the point of the movie. Should be an interesting watch but I don't see why people are all up in a tizzy about it. He's the most famous man in the world and his death while in office would have drastic effects on the world, it's only natural to speculate what those might be. Those who think it's somehow insulting or distasteful only do so because they have such a blind adoration for this man and his policies that they can't put aside their politics to look at an issue larger than themselves and their ideologies. The world does not revolve around Bush, the Republican Party, or America.