Bad eyes using A/Os?


At almost 67 yeas of age, my bi-focals keep getting thicker. I prefer A/O tactical scopes, but have experienced focus issues with my Leupold Mark 4. At 100 and 200 yards each, after I adjust the Objective side focus to make image as crisp as possible, the x hairs dance if I slightly move my head. If I remove the parallax (no dance), the image blurs more. My fixed Objective Swarovski and Schmidt Bender all have parallax removed at 200. The x hairs don't dance and the images are real crisp. This A/O adjustment may be a common issue with bi-focal users. I have also noticed it on my Leupold LPS, but it not nearly profound as the Mark 4. Have any old times had similar issues??????
I don't see what the bi-focals have to do with the problem. My tri-focals never seemed to affect my viewing through a scope, AO or no. The cure for me on the eye-thing was cataract surgery some eight years back when I was a young 73. :)

Sounds like some sort of not-easily-found scope problem.
I've been a glasses wearer all my life with a fairly strong prescription. I too have issues with this, and it really boils down to how the glasses lenses are cut.

My lenses get A LOT thicker towards the edges. I don't spend a whole lot of time looking through them off-axis to that extreme, so I don't worry about it. But when I do, especially when I look at a light point source, the chromatic aberration becomes very apparent (color/focus smear).

Normal viewing axis through the lenses:

Viewing axis with a good cheek weld through the lenses edge:

I've just learned to deal with it, as much as I hate it. My eyeballs suck. I look at people with thinner glasses with great envy. :D
I think you're misunderstanding the 2 focuses a little.
The AO is used to set the objective to focus the target in the same plane as the reticule. Once that is done the eyepiece should be used to adjust your eyesight to the reticule.
WWWJD is correct about getting a better focus by having glasses dead middle while looking through scope. My glasses are thinner on the edges. I have to really pay attention to my my cheek weld. However, dialing the side focus to stop the x-hairs from dancing causes image to "smear," (not much) and is annoying. This is only happening on my Mark 4, which is an AO.
The more curve your glasses have the thicker the glass. My eyes are also really bad it is hard to find sunglasses that look decent that are not wrap arounds...
Please do not take offense but maybe the height of the scope rings and the butt of the rifle are not exactly at the level they need to be. When I started wearing bi-focals I had a similar problem. The following steps helped with my problem tremendously:

1. With your eyes closed and still wearing your glasses, shoulder your rifle as you would normally and get a good cheek weld. Now open your eyes, are you looking at the bottom of the scope or the top of the scope? Regardless, if you have to move your head around to see through the center of the scope you are not looking through the center of the scope or your glasses.

2. If you are looking at the bottom of the scope your scope rings may be to high and if the objective size of the scope does not allow you to lower the scope you should that consider adding a piece of wood or pvc foam and tape it around the stock until your cheek weld is dead center. If you are looking at the top of the scope than you just need to buy some higher rings for the scope.

You will know when you have the correct height when every time your shoulder your rifle with your eyes closed and get your cheek weld, you will be able to see the center of the scope, also make sure that the scope is at the correct distance away from your eyes by ensuring the same thing that you have a full field of view without black rings outlining the scope. Good luck and good shooting.

That is not the issue. I am dead centered and I know how to adjust AO and then x hairs. But, when I do, x hairs dance if I move my head just slightly. X-hairs should not move if parallax is dialed out, but if I dial out parallax (no dancing) image is smeared slightly. Both my Swarovski and Schmidt Bender are parallax free at 200 yards and image is crisp. x-hairs don't dance.;)
Tank. Sometimes the reference engravings on the AO are not exact. Perhaps you are setting the "parallax" using the reference marks, i.e. 200 yards set objective to 200.

I don't know for sure if you are setting according to the markings, but perhaps try getting behind the scope and without looking at the reference marks, just turn the objective until the target comes into sharp focus.

It might be that the marks aren't quite right on your scope.

Actually the best way to set the AO is to "wobble" your head slightly. If the reticule seems to "float" on the target the adjustment is off.
I was gonna recommend you get a Sightron, because mine has the parallax adjustment to infinity, but you have top of the line scopes already. Have you tried contacting your manufacturers and see what they recommend?
Wog--- that is exactly how I adjust. MHO, the marking are only best guess scenario.

But then image blurs if I dial out the dancing. My Nightforce doesn't have this issue either.