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bad eyes and small fonts


New member
Hey guys ~

Since TFL moved to the latest version of vB, I can no longer easily adjust the font to suit my wimpy eyes. Neither ctrl + mouse wheel, nor view/font/larger works.

Any chance you can hack something to make fonts adjustable again?

Many thanks,

pax - I don't know the final answer on fixing the font problem, but here's a clue for tyme: Font resizing works fine on Firefox, but seems to be disabled on IE. In other words, the upgrade doesn't appear to be the culprit, but it might need an "adjustment" to accomodate IE. I recall other situations where something didn't work under IE and tyme or Rich were able to tweak something. Maybe that's the case here.
Tools->Internet Options->General->Accessibility
check "ignore font sizes"

Otherwise, use firefox. I think it's a bug in IE.
"I think it's a bug in IE."
What are the odds of that? :D

pax - The fix tyme suggested works, but it might cause some text size problems on other sites. You should seriously consider using Firefox. It doesn't remove or replace IE. It doesn't even have to be your default browser; you can still use IE for any applications you want.

Firefox isn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but I think the tab feature alone and somewhat bug free running is worth the cost ($0.00).
tyme ~

Thanks. Done that, hated what it did to other sites. Might go back to it anyway.

Mal ~

Thanks. IE is stinky, but ... well ... I'm used to it, dangit. (Can you picture me as a crotchety old lady, griping about how much better software was in my youth? ... You know, back in the days of 64K motherboards ...)

What is there to get used to in a web browser? It's just a tool to browse the web, and IE routinely screws up rendering of web pages. Not to mention the nightmare of activex.
pax, pax, pax,

How long did it take you to get used to IE? I'll answer that for you - no time at all. That's because it was the only game in town "in the beginning" (there were actually a few others, but only on non-IBM compatible platforms). I'm guessing you had no choice. IE was bundled with the other MS opsys offerings. It was hard not to use it and get "used to it".

Now there are choices, and some are better than others. As I mentioned above, you can still use IE, most of the time if you wish. I'm willing to wager that that time will become less and less as (if) you work with Firefox.


"... how much better software was in my youth ..."

:D Ever heard of TopView? I didn't think so. I was forced to use it for a short while until I showed my coworkers that Windows (a competitor), even the early realeases, was actually much better. TopView died a natural and timely death.

tyme, I really like your signature line, it says a lot. ;)
(Hope it's not in reference to the originator of this thread. :) )
Back in the day (always like when I can start off like that), your choices were Mosaic or...Mosaic. Then Netscape came along and reigned supreme til IE 4 knocked it off the top spot.

I have zero interest in going back to Netscape, or any of its derivitves, on a Windows machine, and yet I find that Safari, on the Mac (which is a Netscape derivitve) is the bomb diggity.

Yes, that's right. Bomb diggity.

What's this got to do with anything? NOTHING! But, I felt like typing.. :)

gfen, who thinks Lynx is still the best.
Back in the day, we used a Unix text client to read plaintext messages on Usenet using our 300 baud accoustic couplers! None of this fancy 'graphical user interface' or 'World Wide Web' stuff for us! If we needed the text enlarged, we got a magnifying glass for our amber screen terminals, by cracky!
Still got my acoustic coupler in a closet, somewhere. But, I never had amber or green screen, I had a paperwhite monitor. ;)
Pax, You can also adjust your screen resolution if you haven't already. Right click on the middle of your screen with all windows closed, go to properties,click the settings tab, move the screen resolution bar all the way to the left, click apply, and everything gets bigger.
Sounds Like a Layer One Problem to me...

Letter #1

Dear Five Young men belonging to pax,

In particular the young one playing catch-up on math problems.
Please take turns holding a magnifying screen up to mom's monitor, so she can surf the 'Net.




Letter #2

Dear Crabby Homeschool Teacher of 5 young men,

Please excuse these fine young men from heavy homework and studies.
They are taking care of a serious need for their dear old mom.


Some guy on the Internet.


I may be taking CIS/ IT, don't mean I know what I am doing half the time myself. I mean even "I" can use Firefox, and I hate Access as much as pax. I understand about the eyes...hence the layer 1 comment...the physical layer.
Tools->Internet Options->General->Accessibility
check "ignore font sizes"

This is not a fix. It fouls up other web sites. IE can resize text on other sites, without doing this.

FireFox is a good browser, but has a memory leak (yep, even version 1.06). FireFox will also periodically drop TCP/IP connections. Opera is ok, but making fonts larger also magnifies and distorts images. Making your screen resolution larger is not necessarily a fix, because an LCD screen has ONE native resolution - the other resolutions distort images.

TFL has smaller fonts than just about any other forum I visit.
Pax, somehow I don't think you are older than me.

Last January, I loaded SuSE Linux onto an unused 10GB partition. By June, I had quit using the MS partition altogether, so when I upgraded form SuSE 9.1 to 9.3, I wiped the HD. Haven't looked back. Don't miss a thing.

Moral: If I can learn, so can you.

Now as to FireFox. Doesn't the MS version have that little magnifier tool? (keyboard shortcut = ctrl+ or ctrl- ) My Linux version does and it affects only the website I used it with. That is, I have magnified a couple, all the rest stay at the original size. And... it only affects text, not images.
TFL has smaller fonts than just about any other forum I visit.
Where are you getting that idea? I just did a side-by-side comparison in Firefox and in IE, and the summaries for headline news on CNN are smaller(!) than the normal post text font size is here.
Now as to FireFox. Doesn't the MS version have that little magnifier tool? (keyboard shortcut = ctrl+ or ctrl- ) My Linux version does and it affects only the website I used it with. That is, I have magnified a couple, all the rest stay at the original size. And... it only affects text, not images.

Thank you, sir! This is the most useful thing I have learned all day. What a great idea.