Bad element in my town, need HD advice

chris in va

New member
Honestly, I really should take a HD course. The First Steps pistol class was good but didn't cover any HD ideas.

As of the past 2-3 years, a bad element has taken over the town I live in. Just today someone got shot twice in the head walking down the sidewalk, not a mile from my house. The bodybag was visible for all to see for 5 hours.

So now I have a 20ga Nova, with a 3rd extension tube (7+1) that I have been using to shoot clays with. Fun.

In general, do you guys keep the magazines loaded, but one not in the chamber...or how does that work at home? Another adult lives in my house, along with her (almost) 13 year old daughter who is quite responsible with guns. She goes to the range with me sometimes.

I'm guessing it needs to be handy, but not 'obvious' to others. Thanks for any advice.
I second Frank. Move if possible. If not possible, since there are no 'young' children in the house, I would certainly put the gun in an easily accessable, yet 'out of the way' location, chambered, with saftey on for a scattergun.

But it sounds like honestly that home defense is not the problem. If people are getting gunned down in the streets, its not safe in that neighborhood period. I swear, one of these days soon I'm going to run for public office, and I'll open peoples eyes at the very least. Too many sheep.....not enough
courageous sheep dogs...........
chris in va, . . .

My thinking would involve decisions on:

1) can we move, and will it accomplish the desired safer neighborhood? If at all possible, I would seriously do this.

I have a 25 year old son that I moved for twice, 2 long stories, but it was worth the moves even though $$$ for me it was not good.

2) can you get a CCW? I would if I could, . . . and I would pack all the time in a neighborhood like that.

3) are there "safer" ways in and out of the community where you are less apt to meet agression, . . . seek them out and use them.

Most importantly, though, maintain street smarts: be aware of where you are, what is going on around you, who is where, and is there a threat involved in what you can see?

Best wishes, . . . but seriously, . . . think about moving and the CCW.

May God bless,
Chris in VA: Absolutely MOVE!!!

There is no excuse, financial or otherwise, to subject yourself to that kind of danger. There are ALWAYS viable solutions to the difficulties of such a move. Not so convenient, perhaps, but viable. Your life is worth it.

As for an idea for storing your shotgun, in just the past couple weeks I installed a Mossberg "Loc-Box" for my Mossberg 500 (it works for several other models too).

It consists of an L-shaped rubber-coated lag bolt that you screw into a wall stud, pointed downward, which is slid into the muzzle, and a locked compartment mounted a little lower on the same stud which secures the shotgun. Inside the lock compartment is a rubber-coated hook that sticks into the empty chamber of the shotgun to support it. A hinged lockable door closes over it to hold the gun in place.

The magazine tube is loaded, but chamber necessarily empty. To get the gun into service, open the door with the key, lift it 3/4", pull the stock toward you a few inches to get it off the chamber hook, then lower it a few inches to clear the lag bolt in the muzzle. Rack the slide forward, then back and forward again to chamber a shell, and I'm in business. I put a simple coat hook a few inches above the shotgun on which I hang a bathrobe so the shotgun is completely hidden, yet extremely accessible, right there on the wall next to the bed.

Yes, there is the matter of all the racket I have to make chambering a shell, but in my HD situation, this is not an issue.

Good luck, chris in va, and get yourself out of that area! Get a CCW and defensive handgun training too.
I would definitely love to move. We looked at several houses further out already, but with the 'DC influence' all the house prices are artificially jacked up. I may have to look again though.

My CCW was applied for over a week ago...
Good on the CCW...carry a primary and a backup too if you do also carry a good folder too right? For night time get some sure-fire flashlites...I have to carry, one for my room, the other for the truck. They are all the G2 Nitrilons...I also have a Streamlight attached to one of my HD guns...I keep them (semi autos) in the chamber on. Revolvers are just ready all the time...familiarity here is important...once (the only time I was really afraid, I grabbed instinctivly the gun I was most familiar with (and the most reliable) even though two others were right next to it...
:rolleyes: As long as children have ready access to your home, you're going to have to be very careful with that shotgun. A cheap, but effective, Wal-Mart gun safe is a must. In the meantime there's a lot to be said for getting out of there. ;)
OK, even if you move you can have your home invaded. Either way, you need to be prepared. In that respect, time is of the essence. Keep the gun with one in the hole and NEAR you. If you're being invaded you won't have time to unlock the safe. 13 is old enough to hunt and gun handle, but you must consider their feelings on the matter.

Discuss this with THEM and suggest a plan. Train them about gun safety. If you might need a HD gun, then they don't?