Bad Driver? In Debt? Proposed NYC Law Would Ban You From Owning a Gun

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X2. Can someone please tell me why you would be 'banned' from owning a 'evil' gun because you have some tickets? What's next Mike, TAKING my gun after getting a few tickets? Where does it stop??
The Lautenberg amendment might well have been the camel nose under the tent. If you can be prohibited from gun ownership because of something that has yet to be fairly adjudicated (i.e. court orders obtained after appearance of only the person seeking the court order), then anything goes.
I think hizzoner is going to learn the distinction between "reasonable" and "arbitrary and capricious." Those types of restrictions will never survive a challenge in Federal court, and I'm certain they will be challenged ... sooner rather than later. Bloomie is just digging the hole deeper, and getting ready to start pulling the dirt down on top of himself.
Can someone please tell me why you would be 'banned' from owning a 'evil' gun because you have some tickets?

Because the NY Mayor believes that illegal aliens who don't have valid drivers license should be the only ones to own guns they stole from somewhere else.:D
Those types of restrictions will never survive a challenge in Federal court, and I'm certain they will be challenged

I agree. Say what you will about Bloomberg, but he isn't a stupid man so I'm curious what his motives are on this.
So if your not the best driver and or you are poor you can't own a gun? WOW!

Why is it that we the people continue to allow these people to run things?
I'm curious what his motives are on this

1. Temper tantrum.

2. To test, to push, to waste untold millions of taxpayer dollars to find absolutely the most restrictive law that will pass a court challenge.
I agree. Say what you will about Bloomberg, but he isn't a stupid man so I'm curious what his motives are on this.

Switching parties and running against President Obama in the primaries, or doing a third party run. Especially if Sarah Palin runs

WildillgonofurtherthanthatAlaska ™©2002-2010
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