New member

I am having a lot of trouble with these people. I ordered some rifles from their nicely produced web site, gave my VISA #, waited over a month, no rifles, called, was told they haven't gotten them in yet. I asked why are you advertising them if you don't have them to ship? got some rude answers.
Decided to cancel as the very reputable EMPIRE ARMS, Ormaond Beach FL. had similar items. So....on long distance (overseas) phone call cancelled the order, also sent TWO
e-mails to cancel them.
Guess what, the rifles came anyway, I had my
FFL dealer refuse them, and sent them back.
Called ELLISONS and was told that I had to pay 10% restocking, 3% VISA charge, and shipping, a total of nearly $100.00 for their mistake. I tried to explain that the order was cancelled long before the shipment, but again was rudely informed that if I didn't shut up, they would hod up my VISA reeturn for six months.
I ask you, is this the way to do business?

[This message has been edited by TABING (edited August 06, 1999).]
It is in ALL of our best interest that we do not give in lightly when we are cheated! Go for it!
I'm from that area and have never heard of them. Could you post there website and other contact info. I'd like to look into this (I dont like hoohaa in my neighborhood).

Not only ask Visa to cancel it, but crank the heat up and tell them (Visa) exactly what they told you about holding up your credit.

A bad business is a bad business, I would have no forgiveness because they are gun related. Chances are Visa may drop them or at least put them on merchant probation (and that delays payment to them by 30 to 60 days).

Believe it or not, CC companies do not like businesses who dissatisfy customers and they play rough.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
There has been a long and occasionally vitriolic thread on this dealer on the Curio and Relics mailing list.

The upshot is that Ellison's is a mom and pop company where Pop knows guns and Mom knows how to use the credit card machine and there is little or no overlap in this. The guns are effectively in the garage next to the house.

You might want to check the archives about them.
Just for fun notify the Federal Trade Commission and let them know of their actions. Also notify your friendly ATF agent and let them know that if these guys are running their business so irresponsibly that a detailed audit of their books may be in order and let ATF know that you have contacted the FTC regarding their business practices also. Be sure to call the ATF office in N.Y. state, Hillary is running for senator there and some ATF guy might want a BIG feather in his hat should she win. Conduct like that is inexcusable, roll over on him.
absoulty do not call the atf.(just my opinion)try to keep the law out of anything unless there are body's. sometimes an order get's crossed up. not really anybodys fault. however telling you to shut up or they will hold credit is b.s. nowadays if there is some question on a purchase i make i use the c/card for the simple reason, especially if it is an out of town buy you have some recourse. everything else has no effect or is long and drawn out. picked up this info from the local consumer trouble shooter radio show.