Bad Cat

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam

This happened up in the Chisos Basin. The family was walking the fairly short distance from the restaurant to the motel. Paved parking areas, wide drive, sidewalks.

"Rivers Hobbs was attacked late Sunday by the animal as his family returned to their room from the park's main lodge, reports.

“It sneaked up on me,” Hobbs told the station."

17 miles from my house. I can look up through the notch of the "Window" and see the Lodge area.

The drouth has been a problem for all critters. Other reports say the lion was young and in poor condition. Believable. I've had 1/4" of rain at my house since August, 2010, and none since August of last year.
That's unfortunate. Brave father for what he did though. I'm sure we would have all done the same. The series of rabies shots the kids going to have to get are going to be worse than the attack though!
Wow. Good on the dad. What gets me is the story said another family was attacked earlier in the day. What was the extent of that? Was anything being done about it, police/game officer called, etc?
I agree with WBL. They will not want to classify this as a mountain lion attack on a human. Even with pictures of mountain lions, wildlife officials have claimed they are large tomcats.
BBNP folks are well aware of cougars and bears. Warning signs here and there around the park.

And Texas Parks & Wildlife does all manner of surveys and requests for data, mostly to beat back silly noises from the bunny-huggers.

Bigfatts, last I heard, it's believed that it was the same lion in both encounters. "They're searching." -- but I have no details.