Backwoods Situation.

This has a good ending. I wonder what a concerned armed citizen, of age, would do if faced in a similar situation.

I would have tried to use my cell phone. If there were no singal I would probably try to administer first aid to the lady while keeping a watchful eye on what came to be her attacker. Depending upon her injuries (neck/spine, etc, I wouldn't move her) I would try to get her to the nearest safe place for an ambulance. Being prepared really is the key. I think this young man deserves a lot of credit.
He's an observant young man, I'm glad he happened by that scene.

The boy and his dad are definitely heroes.
One detail left out of the article that was on the broadcast version is the young man was on an ATV. That gives you a means to get the victim out if they can be moved.
Scary situation. Fast acting on the kids part. Kudos to him. That's the one thing I don't like about the woods. Never know who or what you will come acrost. It's usually weird too.

I remember once while at the fire dept. we got a call of a report of smoke up in the forest...way up. Me and one other guy went up in a wildland engine and investigated. After about an hour up there I spotted a faint light about 1/4 mile back into the trees. We hiked back there and it was some guy in a wheel chair, with a big arse dog and his campfire. I'm certain there were other people around that were probably hiding. Was very errie. The one firefighter with me didn't seem to think anything of it but I kept watching behind us.