Backup Weapon: Light Saber, OC spray, taser, or mousegun?

Exiled And Addicted

Retired Screen Name
I'm thinking that a light saber would be a useful non-lethal option on the force continuum, if properly directed - In one fell swoop, just cut off the hand of the perp threatening you with a contact weapon - a subject can only kill you with his HANDS. Then if he's lucky, they'll be sewn back on at the hospital. It could be concealed about as easily as a large can of OC. Yet it is versatile enough to be lethal as well, if necessary - so a better stopper than OC or a taser. Any other weapons from the Phantom Menace that you wouldn't mind adding to your arsenal?
The Naboo Royal Guard's Blaster... The only Blaster capable of RAPID FIRE... and the most accurate. Fitting of being the guns of the Royalty
