Backdoor Gun Control....

I wasn't aware that anyone has banned the sale of guns and ammo yet.

The IL mayor in question might have the ability to do so within her executive powers, but no one has banned the sale yet.

The mayor can also ban alcohol sales and ration gas if needed.

But, to your point, there is simply zero reason to ban the sale of guns and ammo at this point. I'm not sure where that point would be, if ever, but certainly we aren't there.
New Orleans Mayor also in this camp-you would think that there is some regret left from Katrina and being sued by the Second Amendment Foundation and winning-concluding at the time that the law was broken and was illegitimate.
California will follow

Newsome has already stated he may declare marshal law. I'm sure closing gun stores will be a high priority. There are a lot of people who started their ten day wait with schools closing. Maybe they will shutter all gun stores before people can pick up......
New Orleans Mayor also in this camp-you would think that there is some regret left from Katrina and being sued by the Second Amendment Foundation and winning-concluding at the time that the law was broken and was illegitimate.

On another forum, someone posted that he backed off after being reminded.
The concern is civil unrest, and violence. The suspension of sale of guns and alcohol and even gasoline is SOP disaster management 101. IT is also within their legal and Constitutional authority. WE, THE PEOPLE gave them the power when we formed the government and allowed its increase (for good reasons, of course) every so often, ever since.

They also have the "Emergency power" to close businesses, determine what may be open, when, and even control your travel. Curfew and other restrictions are legal during the duration of the emergency.

The virus is the cause of the emergency. The process is one we built, and have used over and over during hurricanes, fires, floods, and other natural disasters. What differs this time is the scale,...and the Internet and social media.
44 AMP stated: "The concern is civil unrest and violence". True.

Let's also keep in mind, as 'food for thought', that the LA politicians didn't really seem bothered when the Korean shopkeepers sat guarding/protecting their South Central LA businesses from the rooftops with Mini 14s and other rifles or shotguns.

Those race rioters didn't need guns to create total anarchy (even made some Beverly Hills residents nervous), and almost killed truck driver R. Denny with their feet and hands.
Let's also keep in mind, as 'food for thought', that the LA politicians didn't really seem bothered when the Korean shopkeepers sat guarding/protecting their South Central LA businesses from the rooftops with Mini 14s and other rifles or shotguns.
That was way back in what - 1992?
Plenty has changed since then.
Quote: That was way back in what - 1992?
Plenty has changed since then.

Not in one sense for me. I would be protecting my home or business with firearms today if needed, just like they did in ‘92.
As would I - but - the reference to the riots was about LA & California.

Those poor slobs have been reduced to cash crops the .gov is about to let be harvested.
that the LA politicians didn't really seem bothered when the Korean shopkeepers sat guarding/protecting their South Central LA businesses from the rooftops with Mini 14s and other rifles or shotguns.

Do you mean the ones who ORDERED the police to retreat and leave those shop keepers (and everyone else) to their own resources??

That was way back in what - 1992?
Plenty has changed since then.

Yeah, the people who were personally involved are 28 years older now. Their children and perhaps their children's children have grown up, and are still living in the same place and in many of the same conditions.

What do you think likely when the more volatile portion of the "underclass" gets sold on the notion that their suffering and shortages are the result of "the man" (or what ever buzz phrase Is used) and is deliberately being done to target them??

Trust me on this, someone will put out that kind of message, and some bored, frustrated ANGRY people WILL listen and believe. How much traction they get will depend on a host of other factors, but if the stars line up the right way, mayhem may ensue.

The LA riots may have started as a violent protest against police brutality, but like many things, took on a life of its own once begun.

Our tech and SOME of our attitudes have changed but the underlying cause (people) really haven't. at least as far as I can see.
Keep this in mind when doing your threat assessments:

You might see a mob of inner city rioters before all this is over, I doubt it'll be a concern for most of us. But we're all going to suffer because of what those in power chose to hide from us until they'd enriched themselves.

I can forgive a panicked angry reaction to this much more than a cool and calculated approach to my suffering.
What do you think likely when the more volatile portion of the "underclass" gets sold on the notion that their suffering and shortages are the result of "the man" (or what ever buzz phrase Is used) and is deliberately being done to target them??
My crystal ball is in quarantine at the moment,,,but,,,,what they do & how they react - has zip to do with the fact that attitudes about guns and laws about how- when & what type of gun - have undergone dramatic changes in California.

I seriously doubt, merchants standing armed in doorways and on roof tops would get the same "free pass" in 2020 that they did back in 1992.

BUT - as I said above - my crystal ball and all that.
Only time will tell though.
The people who know how to use guns and are actually likely to use them properly already have plenty of them as well as ammo. Anyone buying now is quite likely the kind of people who for whatever reason shouldn't have one in the 1st place.

These are the people who don't know how to use one, won't learn, and are probably more likely to shoot themselves in the foot than successfully stop an attack.
While the L.A. County Sheriff backed off on his effort to close gun stores in L.A. 7 counties joined together in the Bay Area California to decide that gun stores are non-essential and thus have to close.

San Jose Mayor Sam Licardo said:
Liccardo was singled out in the suit in part because of a statement he gave to this news organization in which he said explicitly that gun stores were nonessential under the stay at- home order, and added, “We are having panic buying right now for food. The one thing we cannot have is panic buying of guns.”

San Jose Mercury News Local section page 1

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