Backdoor Gun Control thread on the SWAT forum


New member
Just thought the Mods might want to link it here, as well, since I think it will be of interest to the L&CR crowd.

As an additional thought, how do we stop our politicians from doing this kind of thing in general (IE, burying controversial or contentious bits in other legislation, that they expect us to ignore?)
Mike Irwin began talking about it, here, before Denny put it up in the SWAT mag forum.

There are some members who only view the SWAT forum, and nothing else.
How do you stop it? You mean how do you stop Sen. Corncob from adding money in the bill to fund the next aircraft carrier to also fund the Corncob Museum in his home town of Crapcake Falls?

You don't. Note how when it was suggested that earmarks go bye bye - most of them were against it.

If you have a nutty political agenda, you will do this as it indicates to your nutball supporters that you trying.