Back-up...your choice.

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You're in a situation where you are committed and you have to exchange shots with the BG's...Your primary weapon goes click!!!!Click!!! :o :mad:
You tap, rack, more rounds in the magazine!!! :mad: :mad:

You reach for your extra either forgot to bring it to the fight, or it dropped out of its holder as you dove for cover.
Picture Karl Maulden asking, "What do you do?"
What kind of back up weapon did you bring with you?
Start crying like a little girl. When they turn their back in disgust ya kick them in the neck. - Homer Simpson

Shop Smart! Shop S-Mart**** That's right I'm a gear whore and proud of it***
At work? Drop the M16 and draw M9.

At home for ccw? I always draw the spare mag as I draw the pistol. It takes a little bit of practice to fire while clasping the mag, but it's no huge deal. You'll learn to make your adjustments to comfort within a couple mags. Instead of fumbling for your spare mag when you run out :-(, you already have it in your hand. All you do is hit the mag release to drop the spent mag, pop in a fresh one, and hit the slide release. You can do a mag change in about 1.5 seconds easily this way.

Another huge plus is that if you did lose your spare mag, you will know it before slide-lock so you won't be left out in the open with a very dumbfounded oh S&^% look on your face...

Just my 2 cents

But my revolver doesn't take magazines.....

I tried to rack it once, but only ended up cutting my hand on the rear sight.


If I am at home I would grab another firearm, Either a handgun or rifle.
If I am away from home I would then pull out my S&W cutting horse and use it. If I could not run away.
I will not just stand there and go down without a fight.
If I am carrying my Taurus 650SS .357 for backup as I sometimes do, I would use that. Otherwise, run if I could - if not, guess I would probably pull whatever knife I happen to be carrying, throw my gun at the BG, charge like a madman, and pray I am able to take him with me. Better to die trying, right?
Hmm,by then he would have soaked up 13 .40 155 grn hp's. Thats when I take out my S&W 360 PD and finish the job.
No such thing as not having a second mag, for me. However, if the scenario is simply that I'm out of ammo and the threat is still there, pull the 5" fixed blade and begin evasion/evacuation. Although I rather like riverkeeper's answer.
Charge forward screaming like a psychopath all the while hoping the BG doesn't realize my gun is out of ammo. If I get within contact distance, I can always beat him with the thing.
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