Back up weapons?


New member
If for some reason you could not access your firearms to defend yourself, what other weapon (s) would you choose to use?

I have kukris and tomahwawks placed strategically throughout the house, besides some fixed blades.

Care to share?
I always have this handy:


We also have an old police night stick, plus I have a walking stick almost 4 feet log and 1.5" thick, cut from Texas oak and hand carved by my sister in law. It's practically a quarterstaff.

Mace/OC spray would be a good idea, too.
I never leave home wiithout a tactical folder clipped to my pocket. Either a Benchmade or a Ken Onion Kershaw.
For immediate use (not including firearms) I have:
26" ASP, 1lb "riot extinguisher" OC fogger, a host of Emerson knives (Commanders being my favorite), a HI Kumar made Ang Kola 16", a GH Chainpur, a Cold Steel San Mai Tanto, 3 Pacific Cutlery Kuzan Oda Tantos, a purpleheart tanto made by my girlfriend, a white oak jo and boken, 6' bo, and a hand made shira zaya style wakazashi (diamond wood scabbard and handle with high carbon blade).
I have way too much stuff, not that I'm complaining mind you. :cool:
In my home I have a variety of swords(mostly practical) and sharp implements. I have moderate training with nunchaku, which are in my bag by the bed, and I'm big. Out walking, I always have a mini-maglite(wanna-be kubotan, if push comes to shove), and my Leatherman Wave, which features one-handed opening of the blades. And the eyeball lasers, of course. Can't forget those.
Besides the wicked Taekwando aerial kicks I can pull off, I do have two Japanese swords at my place of residence.

In terms of walking about, I have two small Ice-Picks concealed on my persona. Or call them thick needles with a handle if you want. They're easy to put into clothing, and gives you a huge advantage in Melee combat. Mine have a handle to grab while making a fist with it, then a Metallic needle point that extends about 3 or 4 inches. I just punch, block, and attack normally while holding them.

Then I also have the option of using these things. A quick back fist to the side of someone's head will end it, in a flash. You are not coming up from an Ice-Pick in your temple.
As usual I am outdone!:D
Only thing I'm really thinking of purchasing is one of those bedside "holsters" that fits between the mattress and frame.
Once that's done maybe an Alltell cellphone.
Other than that I tend towards "non-lethal" equipment in the cars and as for bladed weapons they number maybe four.
Have to get a gunsafe before I move the lions share of my stock up with me. Even my CCW piece is an another room.
But if I can get one of those bed holsters it'll be moved.
When I'm out walking or at work I have a Super Leatherman, a Spyderco Endura and a Tool-Logic in the wallet. Be nice to carry concealed but I don't think the Provost Marshall would buy off on it!:D

in my truck, tire iron, WD-40, starting fluid and a Bic, nice flame thrower,keys, and the truck itself makes a good weapon.also
Berreta 950, some bayo from germany, screw driver, ball peen hammer, old peanuts in glove box could blind, on and on;)
Garlic, wolfbane, a crucifix... :p

Seriously, I'd hold my Swiss army knife tightly inside my fist with the awl punch sticking out between the middle and ring finger, and then do what the paleontologist in Jurassic Park did when he scares the living s*** out of that fat little kid who said raptors looked like overgrown turkeys :D
Let me take inventory...a Spyderco Police Model (smooth edge), a Spyderco Harpy (bowels in or bowels out?), a Kubotan, Fox pepper spray, hands, feet, knees, teeth, my mind. These are the things I have here with me, though my wife might tell you I lost my mind some time ago.
Back-up weapons???

1) My wife (and her Glock 19) :D
2) My 80lb. "puppy"
3) Knives, knives, and more, knives. (I'm a huge knifenut!)
4) Myself (I am trained in martial arts)
Oh you mean besides the Navy Cutlass, Cold steel tanto, Louisville slugger, Fire axe (yeah I have a fire axe), sock full of lug nuts, and drawer full of kitchen utensils... NOT to mention the cast iron skillet on the stove.

Anything can be used as a weapon.
An 1870’s vintage German Heavy Cavalry Sabre. Solingen steel is the best. When I was a kid a was able to chip a 1/8” by 1” bar stock with it without damaging the blade. Not on purpose, of course, my buddy and I were mock fighting with it and a homemade bar stock steel sword (stupid kids!).

Burmese Kukri knife, about 24” long. Allegedly could split a Jap’s head down to his neck, even with a helmet on.

A 16th Century Spanish halberd.

A variety of knives, nunchucks, etc.
I think its always best to go with several layers in your defensive set - I carry an ASP Key Defender (kubotan + OC = a winner), an older 16" ASP, a Spyderco Endura 50/50, either a Glock 22 or a Kel Tec P40, my cell phone, and last but not least, a good pair of running shoes!
Hmm...being in college, I don't have access to firearms. That being the case, I'm limited to blades. I never go anywhere without my Leatherman multi-tool, and I often have a 35-inch fencing sword on me as well.