Back to the Basics.....again. :(


New member
Just finished shooting my local IDPA match. I haven't fired a pistol since returning from the CP1 class many moons ago due to an aggravated elbow, which wasn't helped by 1000+ rounds over two days.

Needless to say, my shooting today was abyssmal! Only one stage saw me shoot below 20.0 seconds and I really botched a mag malf and a reload. I couldn't believe how bad I had gotten in so short a time.

Learn from my mistakes, folks. Stay in the game. Practice regularly, even if you have an injury.

It sucks to suck.
Vaughn, do you have a 22 for a practice gun?

Makes a big difference for me when I havent been shooting enough. I also have an old hand injury, and the 22 lets me shoot as much as I want without getting sore.
I agree with Malamute. A couple of times in my life I have done so much shooting in a compressed time period that it caused tendon inflamation in my hand. Last spring I did something to my elbow in DT training that I aggravated shooting. In all of those cases I had to swear off shooting the big guns for a while. I went back to the .22s until I recovered.
Ya know, guys, I didn't even think about my .22s! I need to pick up a conversion unit for my CZ, but I still have others that I can practice with in the mean time.

Sniper1, how do you like that Sburg club? Are you going to make it to the "Fun" Shoot at the GGC next sunday? Should be a blast.

Thanks for the encouraging words, gents. I figure that if I'm going to be in pain, I might as well be in pain while shooting, as opposed to while in the recliner.
I'm sure that your injury had something to do with it. I have bad nerves and they spasum(sp) every now and then which will throw off my shots (thank goodness it's mostly on the left side).

You'll get better again, I wouldn't worry about it too much ;)

And I agree with BreacherUp!:
It sucks to suck. Classic!
