Back in the woods we go!!!!


Been out of the woods for about 2 months now and its finally time to get back for a gobbler! Anybody else going Turkey hunting this weekend? Hope to see some pictures on here next week. Good Luck!
I sure am thinking about it but we did not have much of a Winter here and there is no snow at 4000 feet so that means that I would have to hoof it up from the cabin and then hike ten miles because the culvert on the Forest Service Road washed out two years ago and it is spring melt so there aint no way I will be able to ford the creek on one of my motorcycles. I am thinking that I will take my Marlin model 19 with me when I go up to work on the cabin lot and if I hear turkeys I can then buy my license down at the grocery store down by the lake.

Exasterbating the problem is that Forest Service Roads in this state are not officially open yet.
We opened March 21st. I stayed out of the woods opening weekend, actually all weekends and hunt through the week. I hunt public land and there is a very good area only 15 minutes from home. Today made my 3rd trip and they are just now gobbling.

The area I hunted today is along an old logging road. One side of the road is open for hunting, the other side is not. I talked to 2 different birds today on the wrong side of the road, but couldn't convince either to cross over to my side.
no turkeys here:mad: from what I have seen i think i'd enjoy it,

, but I am planning to do some crow hunting and beaver hunting

if I am lucky I can go spring hunt for roe-buck (a few areas in Sweden allow it)
well I went out this morning for a hike to get used to my spring turkey locations and found this

I think I'm going to have to find lower altitude alternatives.
Oh yeah!!!

Been scouting hard for nearly 3 weeks, if not laid up with extreme bronchitis!

Season came in here (N. AL) on Weds, 1 April. I've been hunting every morning, on birds every morning. On second day, 0900 appx, a good gobbler came in silent and made the fatal mistake of crossing a small depression, letting me get the gun up. The old 870, bought new by me in 1981 as a college graduation gift to myself, and retiring my granddad's old Savage, did the deed again at 35 paces. Sixteen lbs, 9-1/4 " beard, one spur broken off, the other 1-1/8".

It has been an odd, wet and cool spring. Serviceberry is our first blooming tree, we didn't see any 'till very late. Eastern Redbud is normally out and fading, it just came in this past weekend. No sign of Dogwood. If we're very lucky, we'll get Redbud and Dogwood at the same time! Glorious!! But with all that, the recent 3 days of 70 degree temps has brought the snakes out. An odd spring.
Thought I would give a little update. We scouted on the 3rd since the season didn't open until Saturday the 4th and it definitely paid off. The birds were going crazy all weekend! Responding to every call and really out strutting a lot. Biggest bird we took had a 9" beard and 1 1/2' spurs. Also took a couple jakes on Saturday because we had 7 of them practically in our laps. Awesome start!!