Back after a long absence

Doc Hoy

New member
This thread will add nothing to any of the discussions ongoing and may well be removed, which I would completely understand.

I have been away from the forum since kitty was a cat. But I had the occasion to post yesterday and I just wanted to remark how nice it is to see some of the members handles, those I remember.

I retired from University and started a food service business about four years ago and it takes all of my time.

I clean, exercise and lubricate my pistols and rifles but none have been fired for more than three years.

Some of you will remember (I hope, fondly) my handle and some of the contributions I made.

Anyway, Howdy


Welcome back Doc, we've been missing you. Sometime this year, someone posted a link to your whereabouts and told what you were doing.
Everytime I see a Dade City gun show sign I think of you on this page.

Great to see you back Doc! I still use one of your Walker loading lever retainer clips.

Talk about manpower intensive!

I think that given the time to make those clips from either brass or steel, I was getting about a buck and a quarter an hour.




Which is about twice what I am worth.
Hi Doc! Good to hear from you again. I saw where you and your wife had started a restaurant and if I was anywhere near, I'd surly stop in and have a cup of coffee and whatever the day's special is as I'm sureties' good! Surly miss your posts but things change as we get older, new pursuits after retirement but just remember you are fondly remembered by many! Our best to you always and hopefully you'll be able to make some smoke at some point along the line. Best wished to you and your wife and for success in whatever your undertakings are!

Thanks 3Bs

Yes....Food service business is doing okay. Staying extremely busy with it. And having a lot of fun.
Thanks Fingers

Still very busy with food trucks, restaurants, catering and such. I am going to make a concerted effort to read and join in the posts.
Glad to see your name back up in lights. The food service business is a tough one & I can see how it would occupy all of you. Glad you were gainfully (we hope) busy and not out due to sickness like so many. Welcome back to the world.
Hiya Doc!

Nope I wasnt here when you where, but when I first started in BP I read EVERYTHING... Recognize ya nic from some of ya great earlier posts and glad to see ya back though!

Sure hope ya get a break to give those smokepoles a decent workout soon! I know what its like having intermittent range time.. sucks big time...

Anyway... Look forward to anything ya have to add, and glad to meet ya!

Buck twenty five an hour huh? Hmm... If I ever get a Walker Ill probably hit ya up LoL!
Welcome back Doc! I hope that you do get to hang around from time to time here. Your contributions are very valuable and your knowledge of the workings of the six shooters really made a difference to me when I was trying to learn how to keep mine shooting and even improve them as well.