Ba Humbug California

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New member
I have lived here since 1945, except for a short stint in Fort Bragg NC. Started being trained in shooting @ age 7 in 1951. Hunted, competed, reloaded and bought, traded, etc. firearms since. I'm 33 year LEO and absolutely 2A.
I, and a lot of others here in California are out numbered by very liberal anti gun thinking voters. Don't get me wrong. Some Republicans don't like guns. Just as a lot of Democrats do like guns.
I'm not sure what one year FFL gun sales were in the other states but over 1,000,000 were sold in this liberal cry baby State.
There are a few of us hamstrung here and still trying.
Start a petition and gather signatures at the local level to send to your representatives. Pick any gun legislation you like. Once you have a legitimate petition, you can make a case.
Things may change with a new Supreme Court that will come from Trump's appointments, especially when it concerns the 2nd Amendment. It may not happen in the next 4 to 8 years tho, but I do believe they will happen.

Scalia is getting a replacement, Ginsburg is going to croak soon, Kennedy is no spring chicken, and Breyer could be gone soon too. That's a minimum of 1 guaranteed conservative to keep the balance intact and a maximum of 4 seats that would all but give the court a 7-2 margin.

Then again, we never really know what side of the argument Chief Justice Roberts is going to take these days. Whatever the case, I think in the next 8 years, Trump will have two nominees to make to the Supreme Court and that should be enough to make some real changes to the country both nationally and locally and taking away the unconstitutional laws being passed in states like California.
Good assumption

I think in the next 8 years, Trump will have two nominees to make to the Supreme Court
It's the 8 year part that is scary. 4 years he can do almost whatever he wants. It's the next 4 that could make the difference....
Trump has been in office a day and a half. It may be just a tad premature to predict that he'll win a second term. I just hope Ginsberg, Kennedy, or Breyer will retire in time to allow the Donald (sorry, that's President the Donald) to get at least two solid pro-2A types on the SCOTUS.

You are absolutely correct. However @ 72 with several obligations including primary care giver to a 88 year old in-law, I simply can't base my life changing decisions on whether I can buy and own a high capacity magazine.
Ergo my original post about being hamstrung here.
I tried to make a point of no matter how screwed up California is there were still over a million FFL sold firearms in the year 2016.
I'm still curious how the other great states did, sales wise.
And trust me. If I could have run I would have 10 years ago.
@WIN 71

I understand completely. I spent the last 10 months of my elderly father's life, helping his care-giver care for him. He had Alzheimer's and dementia.

It got to the point, that Hospice had to get involved, and his care-giver got to the point that if he fell, she could not get him back up and on his feet by herself.

I had POA over his affairs and that in itself, was a huge undertaking. Bottom line was that my father was able to pass peacefully in his own home, in his bed, and with family close-by.
This late in life I see little benefit for me and others of my age bellyache about State imposed Gun Laws. "Just go with the flow is my best advice."
Sure Shot Mc Gee This late in life I see little benefit for me and others of my age bellyache about State imposed Gun Laws. "Just go with the flow is my best advice."

And this is why the far left continues to gain ground.
An old man who still fights for his rights
That's the problem, CA libtards move and infect other states!

I travel back and forth to AZ due to work, have an AZ ID... when in AZ I act like a resident. When someone mentions CA all I can say is keep them damn Californians out of AZ!:p

I'll probably retire to AZ when my time comes.
Good one 50 shooter

Lets hope when you finally do retire and move from California to Arizona the locals don't refer to you as a CA Libtard.........
50 Shooter said:
That's the problem, CA libtards move and infect other states!

I travel back and forth to AZ due to work, have an AZ ID... when in AZ I act like a resident. When someone mentions CA all I can say is keep them damn Californians out of AZ!

I'll probably retire to AZ when my time comes.
Same thing has been happening in New Hampshire. It use to be a conservative state, but all the liberal tax dodgers in Massachusetts escape to NH and bring their liberal baloney with them. That's why it's turning into a blue state now. I've been to NH enough times to hear from the residents what's been happening. NH has no sales tax, but the people who move up there from Mass say, "Oh, we should have a little sales tax to help pay for stuff."

Of course, those taxes never go away and they never stay low for long.

The good news for New Hampshire is they have a Republican man in the governor's mansion now and not a Democrat woman, so the permitless carry law is going to pass this year.

But the bigger problem is that refugees from states like New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, California and others always move to conservative, red states and turn them. It's happening in Virginia, it's happened to Colorado, it's happening to Georgia, it's happening in Florida.

I really think the only thing that's going to preserve the 2nd Amendment is going to be Supreme Court rulings and that's why it was so critical that Trump won and is critical that he wins again in 2020 and Pence wins in 2024.
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