B ad Trigger on Rem. PSS!! (And the Fix)


Ran into a friend out at the range today. Offered to adjust the trigger on his PSS .308. Couldn't get it to adjust lower than 4.5#. Suspected that the trigger return spring was binding, but couldn't effect a cure at the range. When I got home with the rifle, I removed the trigger assembly from the rifle. I coudn't, for the life of me, get the spring out of the hole. Had to take the pull-adjusment screw/overtravel screw housing out of the trigger assembly in order to remove the spring. The spring seemed to be overly compressed, and wouldn't fit into the adjustment screw channel. Swapped the spring from a Rem. trigger that I had removed from one of my own 700's, and, voila, problem cured. Friend now has crisp, 2.5# pull.

Feels good to get it right!!