b-27 to b-34 targets at 15 yards.


I am a licensed officer in my state. It is my understanding that the rules are changing, or have changed, with regard to the course of fire for qualifications.

The rumor is that we are now going to either the b-29 or b-34 targets instead of using the b-27. Even though the distance supposedly is being decreased from 25 to 15 yards for the qualifying shots, ( more for the b-29 ) hitting a target that size might be an issue for shotgun quals.

Nothing is written in stone yet, as my instructor is currently re certifying in shotgun as well as handgun, and I should know something next month from him, but, I need to practice.

What can I expect from a shotgun at that range into a b-34 target? Should I be thinking about some kind of flite control wad for getting the shot on paper at that range? Any training tips might be helpful as well.

And I thought I was something yesterday when I did the B-27 at 15 for about 30 rounds. It's what we always used before, so I didn't know any better.
Not sure what you're asking, but a B34 is a 25 yard reduction B27 that is 17.5" x 23". A B27 is 23" x 35". A B29(resisting comments about big and slow) is a 50 foot reduction of B-27 police silhouette that's 11.5" x 22".
Still an aimed centre of mass shot. Closer the target the more you have to aim vs point.
You can buy pink B-27S-PT targets and donate to the cure for breast cancer if you want. http://www.letargets.com/prodcat/papercardboard-qualification-b27b29b34.asp
Practice with whatever ammo you're issued.
What are you shooting at a B-xx target with from a shotgun, buck or slug?
I think either would do proportionately better at closer range so the smaller targets ought not to hurt.
Dubble naught buck, or 00 buck, at 15 yards, into a b-34 target. Wondering if maybe something in a flite control is in order. Guess I'll have to wait and see for the next range session. And, if I can get away with a flite control wad for quals.

Only 8 shots to qualify, all made from standing at 15 yards. 70% required to pass.
Any time limit? Speed kills scores too. It sounds like you're worrying about something you've done lots of times before. Relax and shoot. You'll be fine.
Double Ought. A Double Naught spy is what Jethro Bodine wanted to be. snicker.
Yeah, there is time. Still have to find out from my instructor if what I am reading is true, because that's an awfully small target for 15 yards with buckshot.

I have never had to qual with a shotty before, but have done plenty with both 9mm and .38 special.

WHat I am trying to do is get enough practice in so I can shoot the course of fire with confidence. I know I can handle the shotty at 15 yards, and I have 3 attempts to get it right, but I'd like to knock it out in the first round. Anyway, thanks for the help. I was kind of lost on target differences. This cleared it up for me.
Federal Flight Control in #1 and #4 buck was less than a 2" pattern out of my IC 18" 870 at 15 yards. Hornady TAP 00 was just a touch bigger.
I have never had to qual with a shotty before,

(rant on) Then stop calling it a "shotty"......IF you are professional, act and speak like one (rant off)

You should no issue hitting COM with your current department load.

If I can hit a moving, curling, dropping 110mm target at 50 yards with 1oz of shot, you should be just fine.
ASan update to this thread, I managed to qualify with the Shotgun on Sunday. The target was, in fact, a B-27, and I scored a 72 out of a possible 72.

On a less happy note, only 238 out of a possible 240 for the 9mm. You could see the lone flyer as the target was being reeled in from 25 yds by the instructor, who gave me a surprised look. So close, and yet so far.
I wouldn't worry about it.
I once won a neat little trophy for a less than perfect score at 25 yards on a B27. PPC Match 4 Sharpshooter.