AZ To Michigan Trip


New member
I'm moving to Michigan and will be transporting my firearms and ammo back. I don't have anything exotic; some rifles, shotguns, handguns...nothing full auto or anything like that. I am going to be driving my Explorer and my uncle will be towing a U-Haul trailer for me. I'm planning to have the guns unloaded and locked in my gun safe in one vehicle and all ammo separate in the other.

I just thought I'd drop a post here in case I'm not aware of any strange laws that might affect a trip like this. Last time I moved out here was in 1997 and I didn't even give it a thought. I don't imagine anything has changed drastically, but I'd like to run it by you all. Thanks for any thoughts and I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. :)
Say it ain't so!

We'll miss ya, buddy.

1986 FOPA should protect you on your move as long as not carrying a loaded gun. I dunno what's legal in Michigan, but I know other folks from the UP that own Garands so you should be good there. Not sure about high-cap wunderautos.

But, the '86 FOPA should take care of the actual move.

Merry Christmas, man.
I'm no expert so don't take this as legal advise. In Michigan non-CCW holders have to carry guns and ammo in separate ends of the car, so ammo in one truck and guns in another should be good.

Just avoid the Ann Arbor area because they might as well be from Cali. :)
If you have an AZ CCW, I'll bet you can pick a route that will let you remain strapped the whole way.

Now let's see if I'm right...

YUP! According to this anyhow (see map at bottom):

First trick: you gotta clear Illinois to the south and then hang a left somewhere around Kentucky :). (I would look up the AZ official site on CCW for the reciprocity list to confirm the map, but I'll bet it's right.)

Second trick: MI will honor your current permit so long as they think you're an AZ resident. So keep paperwork with you to that effect. Once you get any MI documents or officially known address, score your MI permit ASAP.

MI is technically an open-carry state, but cops (and for that matter the public) will freak out WAY, way faster than they would in AZ. Detroit cops might try and flat-out kill ya.
All handguns have to be registered with your local police department within 10 days of you becoming a resident of Michigan.

You have to be a permanent resident of Michigan for 6 months before you can apply for a CPL. So, you'll be out of luck for 6 months in that regard.

Open carry is becoming more and more popular with far less police harrassment than in the recent past but you could still get hassled.

Go to the Michigan Gun Owners site for more detailed info about Michgan's firearms laws.

Overall, Michigan is an extremely gun friendly state but we do have that handgun registration scheme from 1927. Not hard to register and the police shouldn't give you any hassle but that stupid registration scheme should go by the wayside IMHO. (Maybe McDonald will help in this regard since the NICS check system is now available. It wasn't back in 1927 when Michigan enacted that registration scheme due to all the darn rum runners, etc.)

Anyway, sorry for my rant but here's the MGO site you should go to, there's a forum section also.

ETA: Michigan is a shall issue state, enacted the castle doctrine, allows machine guns with NFA approval, etc., is exempt from the Lautenberg misdemeanor law after completion of probation, does not have any sort of AWB laws and allows open carry.
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