AZ Preemption / Gun Lawsuit Bill - Call Hull!

Jeff Thomas

New member
Per GOA:

Yesterday, the House concurred with the Senate amendments to HB 2275 and sent the bill to Governor Hull's desk on a solid 47-12-1 vote -- thanks to your pressure. It started as a fight to improve the state's preemption law. It grew to include protection from frivolous lawsuits against the gun industry. It included nine GOA alerts as the usual sell-outs and dirty tricks were discovered. And now, it has come down to one final action.

Do not let your hard work go to waste! Please contact Governor Hull immediately in support of HB 2275!

Governor Jane Hull's signature is by no means certain-- or even likely at this point. She is being lobbied hard by the cities, Handgun Control, Inc., the Children's Action Alliance, and other anti-gun forces. The enemies of gun rights are pumping money into a frantic appeal for her to veto the bill-- and Gov. Hull sits upon the Board of Directors of the Children's Action Alliance. No wonder her staff has reportedly said that she has "some problems" with the bill.

The Honorable Jane Hull
Governor of Arizona
1700 West Washington
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Phone: 602-542-4331
Fax: 602-542-7601

Please see for more, including a sample letter.
You didn't think a woman would pass a pro-gun bill did you? Maybe we could recall her.
Paul B.