az gunowners:

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Since the City of Glendale has decided to be in non-compliance with the
new, stronger firearms preemption law (ARS 13-3108) and the weapons
checking law (ARS 13-3102(a)(10)), a coalition of several Arizona
gun-rights and pro-freedom groups has scheduled a peaceful, armed
protest at the main Glendale Municipal building on Saturday, October
21st at around 11am.

The problem with Glendale is that they have told us that if we wish to
enter, say, the library at Brown and 59th Avenue with a firearm, they
want us to check the gun with a police officer who
will take the firearm to the police property room which is two miles
away. When the patron is finished with his or her stay at the library,
the Glendale police refuse to bring the self defense
tool back, but instead force the patron to drive, walk, bike, or bus to
the property room, which, unfortunately closes four hours earlier than
does the library.

I don't think this is what the legislature or Attorney General Bob
Corbin had in mind. And it is an obvious attempt to make the ordeal such
a pain in the ass that peaceful people will not bother bringing in their
self defense tools, or simply ignore the sign and carry concealed.

Do you want the City of Glendale's lack of respect for the law to cause
the rest of us to disrespect the law as well?


Please come and visit our little protest. We will have people carrying
signs, singing songs (by the ad-hoc band known as "Tight Group"), and
grilled weenies, chips, and drinks. You will also see a fine collection
of firearms, clubs, and knives.

Rick DeStephens
Just another freedom-lovin' gunnie
Vice President
Brassroots Inc.
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