AZ Governor Approves Real ID Initiative



This story came out in August, but Napolitano is sending this to the legislature now for approval.

Here's my concern:

Arizona is in a reflexive phase to do anything in regards to illegals. Napolitano is pro-illegal; she hides behind a cloak of "it's the Federal Government's job to enforce immigration", but she courts the hispanic vote.

I'm worried, that in a gut-reflex to do anything in regards to the illegal immigration problem, the legislature will pass this without paying attention to the fact that this facilitates the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative.

I'm suspicious of government at heart; WHTI smells to me like a subcomponent of SPP/NAU. Aside from that part of this, WHTI-compliant cards contain an RFID chip with a passive antenna that can be read from the proper equipment from a distance of 30 feet. (Source: Article)

DHS talks about "pre-positioning" information on the screen for a DHS employee to be prepared for an interview with a border crosser; swiping a card doesn't take that long. I worry about the privacy implications and the capacity of government to track the movement of people.

Imagine an RFID reader at road intersections, or highway overpasses. Imagine the wrong people with RFID readers; just as "wardriving" (wireless network sniffers) equipment can drive around looking for networks, an estranged boyfriend/ex-husband/father can drive around with an RFID sniffer and track movement of their prey for revenge or kidnapping.

Imagine any illegitimate use of the RFID sitting in your wallet, your daughter's, or your wife's.

This RFID transmission needs to be eliminated from Real ID, IMO.

Arizona Teams with Federal Homeland Security to Create Secure ID

PHOENIX - Governor Janet Napolitano has announced that Arizona will partner with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to launch a "3-in-1" driver's license. The state of Arizona will enhance the security of the state driver's license to meet Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) requirements, provide Arizona employers with a secure document that can be used in validating a person's legal status, and align to satisfy future requirements of Real ID.

The Arizona project, much like the agreement reached with Washington State earlier this year, will serve as a compliance alternative to WHTI requirements available to U.S. citizens. (Starting January 31, 2008, U.S. and Canadian citizens will need to present either a WHTI-compliant document or a government-issued photo ID, such as a driver's license, plus proof of citizenship, such as a birth certificate, to be granted entry into the U.S. The federal government plans to end the routine practice of accepting oral declarations alone at land and sea ports of entry. The 9/11 Commission endorsed secure documentation for entering the country and Congress mandated WHTI implementation in the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004.)

The Arizona project will require legislative approval, which the Governor has committed to seek.

"Arizona has been a leader among the states on issues related to border security and immigration," said Governor Napolitano. "My hope is that this project will lead to an effective permanent program that can be implemented nationwide."

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said, "I applaud the leadership of the state of Arizona who came forward to join us in our effort to bolster security through secure identification. This partnership helps us strike the right balance between security and facilitation, incorporating 21st century technology and innovation."

Under the plan, Arizona will develop a technologically enhanced driver's license that will provide its residents, who voluntarily apply and qualify, with a document that is acceptable for use at U.S. land and seaports. The enhanced driver's license will be slightly more expensive than a standard Arizona state driver's license and will require proof of citizenship, identity, and residence.

In addition, the bearer will be able to use a newly-issued MVD card in the work eligibility process.

Finally, the Real ID requirements - slated to be issued later this year - are intended to strengthen the underlying document through physical security features and a secure issuance process. Arizona's new driver's license is poised to be one of the nation's first to comply with Real ID requirements. Governor Napolitano will continue to urge the federal government to fully fund Real ID, so it does not become another unfunded mandate to the states.

For more information about the Office of the Governor, please visit
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I thought Arizona was one of the states to refuse Real ID??

Damn, that was one of the states on the table for my eventual move after college! I like the gun laws, like the weather, like the scenery...but I won't move to a state that is even sniffing around on Real ID.

I'm pretty sure my state probably wrote the language for real ID act, wears real ID t-shirts to family bbq's, has real ID action figures and posters, and sleeps in real ID sheets at night.
Just another step down the slippery slope of federal control of everything, inlcuding our rights to not let any one know where we are located.
Governor "Janet" is so sickening I am amazed the good people of Arizona voted for that duplicitous skirt who only cares about being all things to all people (an impossibility).
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Sending good money after bad ideas. Is there one standard for this Real ID yet or just guidelines? Who is going to pay for the upkeep of documents and databases this Real ID will entail? Who is going to police state employees to keep them from selling Real IDs? What happens when the real IDs fail to work as planned?