AZ Encoding Bill is Here!


Great. AZ we have HB 2833 now to work against. It's an ammo encoding bill, looking very simular to CA.

Sponsors of the bill:

Martha Garcia

Cloves Campbell

Manuel Alvarez

David Bradley

I have written emails to all listed above, and made calls to each. Please do the same. Please post this on any other forums you belong to. We need to let them know we are not pleased with this.

Also, as these are all Dems, please also write your Reps to let them know if this goes far you want their vote against it.
This bill is going nowhere. My congresswoman stated without reservation she will oppose this - and she is a Democrat. Down in flames.
This is a concerted, organized attack on our freedom. For years they attempted to ban and criminalize firearm posession. With the success of the microstamping bills and lead ammo bans in Cali, they were emboldened to begin this sweep of the nation with this bill. Check the wording on this one, and the ones in your legslature - almost if not completely identical, I'll wager.
We need to locate and expose the indiividual(s) responsable, the ones behind the scenes.
What worries me the most, is that every year they can bring this crap back. I hope the one's sponsoring the bill I listed get their rears kicked out of office.
Can someone go into a little detail about what the encoding really means? What about the gun's actual function will be changed? Will the used market be dead since used guns will not have this added feature?
Here's a link to the text of the bill:

Essentially it states that ALL handgun and assault weapon ammunition will be serialized at the base of the bullet and on the casing. A database would be established to match buyer and bullet/casing, and as of Jan. 1st 2009 all unserialized ammunition would be disposed of and be illegal to posses.

If I know AZ State legislators this won't get out of the House. It may be a counter to some very pro 2A legislation being introduced. A bill to make carrying concealed without a permit a petty offense (like J-walking), a bill to make concealed carry in a vehicle legal. A bill to make carrying on University and college campus legal, a bill to allow carry in restaurants that sell alcoholic beverages as long as the sale of prepared food, not alcoholic beverages, is their primary business, and so on.

Arizona legislators are on board with the value of an armed law abiding citizenry. It's the Governor that shoots this stuff down every year. Activist judges and the DPS are still a struggle. but every year without fail far more pro 2A legislation comes up and no anti legislation has passed in quite some time. Background checks at gun shows was the only one I can think of. Folks were buying them in mass and selling them to minors, illegals, and smuggling them into Mexico. (I think mass export of guns to the Mexican people would solve their corruption issues quickly myself.)

This bill has a short life. Arizona will reject immediately.
Anybody got any idea just how much ammo is out there?

How many billions of rounds? How many billions of dollars worth of private property this kind of bill would make illegal to own, and do it in less than one year from now, if passed? Not to mention the fact that ALL ammo companies would have to shut down while they spent how much? on tooling to comply with this insane idea?

And what about those thousands (hundreds of thousands? millions?)of people who cast their own bullets?

And there would have to be some kind of centralized database, not only to track individual bullet serial numbers, but just to ensure that Remington, Federal, Winchester, Black Hills, Buffalo Bore, etc.etc.etc., didn't duplicate numbers. And who do you think they will make pay for that?! For foreign ammo, it is an easy fix, they just ban sale and importation.

I say follow the money, to the end of the trail, and find the varmints responsible. Then make it widely and publically known just how much they paid congressmen to push this kind of bill, and what they stand to gain from it. This has the potential to be the ultimate special interest profiteering. Look at the bill (now law?) in California that requires "microstamping" so that each handgun "stamps" the fired case with an individual ID#. I understand that the technology to do that (and the machinery) are patented, owned soley by one company, and ultimately one individual. There has been asbsolutely no mention of the government buying the machinery and issuing it to gun makers, nor of them even selling it to the gun makers who want to sell their legal products in CA. As it stands right now, all the costs of what amounts to an unfunded mandate interfereing with interstate commerce would have to be borne by the manufacturers, and so ultimately the cosumer. AND ALL of the profit from fees charged for using patented technology (as required by the {proposed?} law) would go to those individuals in the company that holds the patent!!!!! NOT the state!!!

At least with state mansdated auto insurance, you get a choice of companies competeing for your business, and so a choice of costs. Not so with the microstamping act. This diesn't seem right to me, how about you?

Somewhere out there are some folks who would profit, and likely profit handsomely from a law that requires individual ser#s on bullets. We need to find them, and expose them for the greedy monopolists they wish to be. Theere has to be something about fair trade practices or something that would pose a legal barrier to this kind of thing, besides the common sense of our elected representatives. Some do have it, but over all it seems to be in short supply, the very proposal of a ser# ammo bill proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that some of the folks we elected are not firmly in touch with objective reality. Do we really want someone either so ignorant and deluded, or so cynical and greedy making decisions and laws about other important issues? I don't.