Ayoob DeJammer?

It is nothing but a section of cleaning rod with a D-ring at one end held in place with a screw. You could make one for yourself in about five minutes. I had one and gave it away.
Pretty simple. Golgo's right. I carry one on my keychain to use as kubotan. I can't see using one to clear a squib load though as I've trained to transition to secondary pistol. As well, any Type II or III can be cleared on me or surrounding environment one handed.

One advantage is that it looks less threatening than black kubotan I used to carry and may help you in that regard. "That? Oh, that's just part of my keychain. It helps me pull my keys out of my pocket."
I have used it to clear several squib loads on the range for others including one in an LFI class. This is one reason I ALWAYS shoot factory ammo at these classes. It does, as KS Freeman said, look more innocent than the regular Kubotan. This is why I now carry it on my key ring instead of the Kubotan. I have actually bothered to take the Kubotan certification class and it hurts more than the regular one with the groves. The one with the ridges hurts the most. When performing moves involve pressure points it is the most effective tool I have found. They also teach you in class that if you are performing the technique that involves a thrust to the windpipe that there is the very real potential of it puncturing the windpipe and causing very serious damage.

"If you are not in a position to return fire effectivly, you are not using cover. You are HIDING!"
For sometime I have carried the DeJammer. Actually I began carrying it on a whim by including it on a big order from Ayoob's Police Bookshelf. Since I always saw Mas with one and decided that since almost every product he had recommended worked for me it was worth the few $$$ to try it.

I took to it immediately from all of the non-Kubotan reasons. Primarily because it put my key in my hand faster than from my pocket. Also, I have mostly carried revolvers for the five years I have carried concealed and a malfunction with a revolver that would required the DeJammer could not be cleared otherwise in a firefight. Although I agree and practice the "second gun transition" practice it is sometimes impossible to practice being extemely warm natured and living in the Texas summers. Sometimes a Smith & Wesson Centennial is as good as it gets.

Although I have not taken a Kubotan class, I have gone through two of the manuals. The class is on my tado list once my wife and I buy a house.

Overall, the product is worth the money and then some. I carry mind on my weak side shoved into my pants between the pants and the underwear.

Try it. The worst that can happen is that you spend a few dollars and end up giving it to someone who can use it.

Call Police Bookshelf to order at 800-624-9049.

Good luck and good shooting.

- Anthony