Axis rebuild


New member
I recently worked on a 270 Weatherby magnum which I fell in love with, but affordable options for buying one seem very limited. I have some parts from an old axis lying around, so decided to do a build in 270 win (and was also egged on by other forum members, I might add:D), theoretically all I need to do is replace the bolt head and barrel. This is the original Tupperware stock which I ground out and filled with marinetex and filled the grip and comb area with another stiffener as well. It's still very lightweight.



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Barrel come in today along with some of the parts for bolt rebuild. Forgot to order the headspace gages so I won't be able to do assembly til next week. McGowen's #4 profile which they call a medium sporter is a lot thicker (heavier) than I thought it would be, so additional work on the barrel channel will probably need to be done.



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Sure, now i find out that you had an Axis action laying about! :rolleyes:

Had i known that i would have offered to buy it from you long ago..
You don't have another laying around, do ya?

I need one for a range gun build.
Errrr...t'aint that expensive, what's stopping you from buying one? Admittedly, the barrel alone cost more than the entire original rifle did. I thinkthat's all I have, I had other axis rifles but had to sell them years ago when I was perilously close to going bankrupt. You know you're desperate when you have to sell your firearms--other gun guys smell blood and will talk you down to so far you'll be lucky too get a quarter for each dollar you spent.:rolleyes:
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Found a bag in one of my drawers--and it had a Tinmney replacement trigger--forgot I had one--score! Bolt went together OK though it took me a while to figure out how to do the Mississippi two-step and convert a 110 short action bolt head into a axis long-action bolt head. Ground the channel back a bit and assembled for preliminary fit and function check, lookin sweet so far. The only downside so far is I've added up the weight of the components and it looks like the rifle all-up will be around 9.5 lbs +/-.



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"Had a Timney trigger in a bag that you forgot you had!".
That's another way of saying I need to seriously consider reorganizing and expanding my shop space and getting better organized--I literally don't know what I have in parts and typically have to go on a "parts safari" to see what I have, often ordering new parts when I already have them--growing the parts collection even more. :D:rolleyes: Old age is taking it's toll on my feeble memory too.
Like it....I’m in to see the groups.

Jard makes their Savage Centerfire Trigger System that gets you an honest target trigger in one!!:D
Jard makes their Savage Centerfire Trigger System that gets you an honest target trigger in one!!
I'm a big fan of Jard--have at least a dozen of their triggers installed on various firearms. I just happened to find this old Timney trigger, and it still crisply breaks at around 2 lbs so what the heck.;) I also have an old SWFA fixed mag scope which I'm pressing back into service. Although it has several shortcomings, the overall scope value at it's price point is unbeatable in my experience.
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Stupid is as stupid does

The headspace gages came in and it only took a few minutes to get the barrel torqued on. Meanwhile, the scope base and rings which I ordered guaranteed 2nd day air last Thursday are still MIA. Looking at UPS's detailed view the scan path looks the same as regular ground--unless maybe they contract out to home RC fliers maybe?:rolleyes:
Scope base and rings still hadn't arrived, and I was burning with curiously, so I went out and did a "naked" test fire with winchester 150 powerpoint at 100 yds.:D:D

Functioning seems perfect.




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Leupold base and vortex rings finally came in this afternoon. Fist time I've used the vortex rings--very well made--very little lapping was needed to get them to true.


Ready to rock.


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Now load that brass up with some 7828 and 140gn pills.
My "break-in" load is going to be 129 LRX's driven by Hybrid 100V. I did some test loads with the new 6.5 staball on my 6mm creed yesterday and I was immediately slapped in the face--the accuracy potential was clearly beyond my shooting technique at the moment. There's some recipes for 270 win as well, so that will be next.



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You got that scope mounted high enough?
I know, right? As is it clears the bolt handle by maybe 1/8th of an inch. Center of bore to center of scope is 2"--might be an "optical conclusion.";)
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140 hybrid with 6.5 staball, works well but still needs some "tweaking." I continue to be very impressed with the performance of 6.5 staball powder--extra velocity without pressure run-up and excellent accuracy.


Here you can see the scope isn't as high as it looks on the photo above.



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