I think the real reason so many Muslims hate America (at least Middle Eastern Muslims) is because of our completely one-sided support for Israel. And even though I'm technically Jewish myself (my mother is Jewish but converted to Catholicism), I can hardly blame them. Israeli state terrorism against the Palestinians and Lebanese is every bit as horrible as anything done by Muslims, yet the US government supports Israel 100%. If the Israelis bomb an orphanage or nursing home in Lebanon or Gaza, the US government calls it "self-defense," then sends them billions more of our tax dollars and plenty of weapons. Are the Muslims supposed to love us for that?
The claim that "they hate us for our freedom" is BS, feel-good propaganda. Why aren't nations like Switzerland, Norway, or Finland being threatened?
It's not too off the mark to say that the Israeli lobby and its complete control of Congress are the real source of terrorism -- both Israeli AND Muslim. I know there are many Jews like myself whose sole loyalty is to America rather than Israel, but we don't have much of a voice, whereas Congress trembles in fear of the Israeli lobby and puts Israel's interests ahead of America's. Example: The USS Liberty massacre:
Here's a good web site by another Jew who feels the same as I do: