AWB 2007 Lets Take A Stand!! Your Gun Is On The Ban List!


New member
Petitions: The Social Experiment Prt 2.

This is an Edit due to the over whelming negative response to my original post
Thus: this will now be a social representation of why petitions so often never meet their goals. This is not a response to any one nor is it any longer advocating the petition, it is simply what it is. For as long as this post exists on the Server of the Firing it will be a representation to all who seek to meet a numerical goal when it comes to their petitions (of any subject). Read and observe . . .

You've probably heard this before, but if you haven't google it this is very serious. The list below are the prepossessed guns that will flat out BANNED. This new gun control act has no sunset which mean it will never go away.

Sporting Guns are not immune. If it is a semi-automatic, and possesses a detachable magazine it is liable to be included at uncle Sam's discretion. Semiautomatic shotguns (pistol grip or not) are also on this list and stand to be completely ALL OUT Banned.

Make no mistake this IS going to happen unless we do something about it.
Here is a link to a Petition against this lunacy:

Sign it, find others like it and sign it too. Spread the word to others or else your prized possession is about to become the next endangered species on this planet.

Rifles to be all out BANNED right of the bat include (but are not limited to):

AK--AKM--AKS--AK-47--AK-74--ARM--AR15--AR10--MAK90--Misr--NHM 90 --NHM 91--SA 85--SA 93--Vepr--AR-10--AR-15--Bushmaster XM15--Armalite M15--Olympic Arms PCR--AR-70--Calico Liberty--Dragunov SVD--Dragunov SVU--Fabrique National FAL--Fabrique National LAR--Fabrique National FNC-Hi-Point 995 Carbine--HK 91--HK 93--HK 94--HK PSG-1--Kel-Tec Sub Rifle--M1 Carbine--Saiga--SAR-8--SAR-4800--SKS with detachable magazine--SLG 95--SLR 95--SLR 96--Steyr AUG--Sturm, Ruger Mini-14--IMI Tavor TAR-21--Thompson M1--Thompson 1927--Thompson 1927 Commando-Uzi--Uzi Sporter--Galil--Galil Sporter--Galil Sniper Rifle (Galatz)

Plus ANY Semi-automatic (including shotguns and handguns) that possess one or more of these features:

1)A folding or telescopic stock
2)A threaded barrel
3)A pistol grip
4)A forward grip
5)A barrel shroud

Shotguns to be banned right off are:

Armscor 30 BG--SPAS 12--LAW 12--Striker 12--Streetsweeper--Benelli M1

But will ALSO include ANY shotgun designed or adopted for military use so include the likes of the Benelli's M4. Also the law will allow for ANY shotgun to be added to this list at anytime in the future completely at the governments discretion.

Pistols to be banned Are:

Calico M-110--MAC-10--MAC-11--MPA3--Olympic Arms OA--TEC-9--TEC-DC9
--TEC-22 Scorpion--AB-10--Uzi

Plus the return of the 10 mag limit to all firearms.

Help to make a difference. Lets do something about this!
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or just close some of them?

Why is this even coming up again? As pointed out in another thread... this bill has been lying dormant for nearly a year now.
I'd love to get it posted into One. Its just that not everyone is interested in the legalities and so not everyone would have a chance to see it.
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Response To MMcfpd

Sadly I just received this post in another thread . . .

According to it not a hell of allot even if we had the best intentions. Would anyone be up for writing their congressmen?

of coarse then there is this:

which say that don't work either because obviously most don't read their mail. But are we in retrospect supposed to just to sit and not even attempt to do anything? As of this moment with this new information coming to light I cannot say, but i will continue to sign every petition that comes my way regarding this subject.
Just To Note:

502 views on 2 threads and 30 names above my own? People don't seem to like this post very much.:confused:
Response To m24shooter

Since you find yourself so amusing, m24shooter, take a look at my last post on the other thread . . . It's funny, you'll love it . . .

Its number 52
Oh I've seen it. I don't know why you chose to narrow in on what "state" means to you, my issue is that you have no problems with placing restrictions on who should be allowed to have semiautomatic weapons. Coupled with your Chicken Little response to a bill that has been stagnant for 10 months AND your attempt to get people to defend an imagined threat of possession of those same semiautomatic weapons, you have a pretty significant logic fault.
Since you have not gotten the response you thought you would, you now want to keep hanging "social experiment" or "social representation" all over the place.
You want to be some kind of RKBA champion by starting up numerous posts on the same issue over a stagnant bill, and whine about how anybody who doesn't see it like you do is apathetic and not doing enough. And then you turn around and say that you support restrictions on who should own semiautomatic firearms. I believe at one point you said that they should have the same restrictions as handguns. Yeah, great job. Good consistency. It's attitudes like that that have slowly eroded gun rights.
My responses have nothing to do with some kind of self-validation on my part. I don't need this media for that. They have a lot to do with your thinking errors though.
ETA: I'm done with this thread as well.
Response To m24shooter

I see . . . "No longer posting on this thread," in your mind means that you will no longer post in thread 1 but you will then post in thread 2 just to be irritating?

Allot of people have expressed negative views and the uselessness of petitions all around. If you believe that . . .don't sign . . .though I still stand that signing couldn't really hurt. you keep saying ten months, ten months is a insignificant amount of time for something that will continually be rewritten over and over until it finally passes. just one really good petition could be translated to any future version or incarnation of this bill in the very near future, that is my personal stance. As for a "champion" . . . I think not, I just wanted to see what would happen if a petition would be taken to the source itself, I have . . . and I won't be posting again. (by the way it's not my petition it is a marines petition I did not start the thing) Nearly a thousand people have viewed two of these threads and just short of fifty names are above mine . . . hence a social experiment.

As for my flaw in logic handgun like restriction on "assault weapons" would be vastly superior to an all out ban if that would satisfy the anti-gunners and if thats what we might have to settle with. After conversing with Target terror I see that would not be the answer for it would only be the first step in removing all of our rights . . . there can be no compromises. You have taken one single slightly misplaced statement of mine and blown it up to the size of the Goodyear blimp just to be argumentative. Instead of intelligently stating you reasoning you have focused on what you don't like about me in particular and I will leave it at that.

BUT . . . by all means keep posting: hopefully you'll get suspended under the new forum rules for no flyby postings, being consistently argumentative, and lets not forget loud and irritating . . .
Plus ANY Semi-automatic (including shotguns and handguns) that possess one or more of these features:

1)A folding or telescopic stock
2)A threaded barrel
3)A pistol grip
4)A forward grip
5)A barrel shroud

Correct me if I"m wrong, but #3 would ban ALL semi-auto handguns. I cannot think of a single semi-auto handgun that does NOT have a pistol grip.
Response to Surefire_U2

You betcha . . . now thats not to say that's whats going to happen right off but Californians have been dealing with this kind of excrement for a while now. Can you believe that some competitors there have to now worry that certain types of handguns used for competition might now be considered "Assault Weapons".

This would be why I took the time to post this in more than one thread: so such information can be shared with other individuals who think that the AWB has nothing to do with them. It does . . . This law or ANY law that it may eventually breed or mutate into down the line is very very dangerous to our second amendment rights. For ALL of us. Such a proposed law will open doors that we will not be able to close once they are opened.