Awakening a sleeping giant?


New member
Is it my imagination or does there seem to be an awakening of former "closet" gun owners.

I have noticed more folks that previously kept secret their gun interests are now speaking out and proudly stating they are "law-abiding" gun owners.

I would hope these same folks are also getting involved in RKBA efforts. There may very well be 80 million *gun owners* but with only 3 million NRA members there are far too many silent owners.


Join NRA, GOA and vote!
I hope and pray your perceptions are correct. I for one have recently put a vanity license plate on the front of the pickup (rear only required by my state) that says National Rifle Association LIFE MEMBER.

Maybe the antis should have kept their overactive mouths shut.
I agree that there are some gun owners coming "out of the closet". But I know some, and I'm sure there are many more who feel the same way, who do not join the NRA or any other organization because the main stream image of those groups is less than favorable with the public thanks to the media and liberal politicians. These gun owners do not want to be labeled "Gun Nuts". They vote against gun control but I don't think they realize that lobbying the politicians takes time and money. They don't take the time, and don't offer up their money either, to protect their rights. I think that the NRA, GOA, JFPO and others need to do some serious P.R. on a national scale to show these silent owners, and the public at large, that they are working in their interest. When the NRA sends me lots of info on what is going on, that's all well and good, but they are preaching to the choir. I send them my money and I write to members of congress as I should. I would like to see the groups that lobby for our rights do some kind of media blitz to get the silent ones to come out in the open and be more active and vocal. While I'm sure there are those who don't belong to any organized group who are doing there part there are still too many people who I believe are taking a wait and see attitude before they are willing to get involved. Since most of us have jobs and a familiy to tend to we obiviously cannot spend our lives in washington lobbying our reps. That's where the NRA, etc... come in. That's where some of the money we send them goes. Like the saying, "money talks, bullsh*t walks". They need our money, and IMO, a $100 bucks a year or whatever one can afford is cheap compared to the cost of any firearm. Cheaper still compared to the cost of going to jail for refusing to turn one in. And really cheap compared to the cost of a revolution. My .02


[This message has been edited by Pthfndr (edited June 28, 1999).]