Average Weight for 1911 Owners

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My Officers Model is lighter than my Government Model. Both are lighter empty than when loaded.

Oh wait, you mean my weight. Well it is close to #210, But 25 pounds of that is my manhood.
former 1911 owner here

I currently have a CZ 97B (which weighs 40 oz unloaded). It is somewhat like a HYBRID 1911/DA (cocked and locked capability with option for DA carry, combined with a heavy steel frame). I use to have various (full sized) Colt 1911s and a Kimber. I think I will eventually get another 1911 someday, but probably a Springfield "Loaded". I am not a 1911 fan by any means, but I do regret not keeping at least one.

I weigh 135# and am very short (I KNOW I couldn't conceal a 1911--I have tried in the past and it didn't work)! I can't conceal my CZ 97B either.......

Oh well, considering I am currently in California I cannot LEGALLY conceal in the first place so that is not a big concern for me.
Future 1911 owner- Got up to 184 and said "this has got to stop". Went on the "Suger Busters" diet. No beer, no spuds, no white bread, no pasta, I'm dyin'.....
My full-size 1911 should be on my hip by the end of May and I should still be 130lbs and 5'10". I can conceal a good deal, though, so I'm not worried about that.
Now I walk around with a Security Six in my right side, a 26" ASP on my left with two speedloaders in Safariland metal speed loader holders behind the baton. Not a print to be seen by even my brother, who knows I carry. Of course, I wear a jacket year round, so I can and have hidden a Pringles can and a beverage under my coat.
My shooting friend, Ray, is 5'5" & weighs in at 140 max, and that is soaking wet getting out of a pool. But boy, can he shoot that 1911.
In Iowa there is no weight. You just walk in, pay for it, take it home.;)

OK. This is obviously a serious poll for some type of scientific research. 145 pounds, 5'6", brown eyes. Draw your own conclusions regarding the eye color.
allow me to bring the average way down

5'2 115 pounds. I can conceal a commander size gun with easy. Currently I am totin a Springfield Champion
I thought you had left for overseas. I think you should correct yourself Son. You gotta at least weigh 118lb with one of your Les Baers--121# when your sportin' two.

Myself, 165-5'9" or so.
These questions are getting sort of weird, but if it floats your boat here it is: 6'0" 225 lbs. and getting heavier by the month. The bigger I get the less I notice the 1911 I carry, so it's all good.
Mike, congrats (I think) on coming down in weight.

I tip the scales at 200-205lbs (they heavier is with my P16 on me with 2 mags with the bumper on 'em! :D) and I'm 6' tall.

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