automatenfett for K31


New member
Hey everyone, was just wondering if anybody ordered automatenfett for their Swiss rifles from this website:

There's a fellow named Guisan (gunboards was the particular post I found) on some of the other forums that says its pretty easy to order from them...just to email them and ask for economy shipping...a small fee for accepting personal checks. The link to the post where he was talking about the website:

Although, I can't reallly tell where to click to email them, since the only two languages available are in German and French...and I don't really want to go through Google translate for every phrase if maybe some of you have ordered and know what to do. much was it for one tub plus the economy shipping...if ya don't mind my asking?

Or...if you found another source for automatenfett, I'm all ears for that too. :D Thanks.
There are a lot of quality greases made in the USA, so I don't feel the need for Eurogrease. However, I have dealt with Guisan on several occasions, and have found him to be scrupulously honest. If he says they are easy to deal with, then most likely, they are.

Do yourself a favor and buy several tubs. You can sell the ones you don't need on ebay for enough profit that the tub you keep will be free. Feel free to advertise on the Swiss Rifles Yahoo! group, too.
The website says that they are on vacation from December 27th 2010 to Feb 1st 2011.

27.12.10 - 02.01.2011..

They website also seems to have no provision for US shipping, this is their email address:

Email them in English and ask how to proceed. I'm happy to translate anything else you want, if needed. (I was married to a French woman for 5 years, at least I can say I've got one thing to show for it...;))
The Swiss call for a molybdenum disulfide based grease for the K series rifles. The cheapest way is a grease gun tube of moly grease. Most well have from 1-2% moly. If the grease is Caterpillar approved it well have between 3-5% moly.
The Swiss call for a molybdenum disulfide based grease for the K series rifles.
A virtually identical moly based grease from a US source is.
"Lawson Super 77 Moly grease" Cat # 81398
Made by:
Lawson Products, Inc.
Des Plaines, IL 60018

I tracked this sub down a while back & have been using it very successfully as a sub for the real deal.
Been a while since this thread has been brought up, but here's another thought. Will Slide Glide and/or Shooter's Choice also work well? I want an all-encompassing grease for the K-31 and a Sig pistol if I intend to buy one...which its looking like I might :D.
If you are like most of us, shooting your K31 from a bench at the local range then any fire arm grease well work.

If your are at 8,000 feet in the Alps fighting off the encroaching hoards then by all means use moly grease.
Its certainly ok to buy it just because its another thing that was issue for the rifle...but Tetra gun grease works just as well on a K31 as the older tech WW2 swiss grease.
From the supplier hissef.
Well when you do a search on Automatenfett or Waffenfett lots of posts show up and I remember that I even once posted the page from the gun lubrication manual considering the K31 but in short it is like this;

The grease is used for three purposes being cleaning, lubricating and protecting and the last can be divided in normal use and storage.

To start with the cleaning first, before shooting the Swiss run a pad through the bore to clean out the grease there and from the bolt face, they do that with the help of a grease rod, that ones comes with a jag for a pad and a black grease brush.
Immediately after shooting they run that black brush with Automatenfett through the still hot bore, put some grease on the bolt face and leave it like that. After they get home they clean it all from the grease, get a bore rope or cleaning brush through the bore and after that they lube it all again with fresh grease that stays on till the next shooting match.
The grease dissolves the fouling and makes cleaning way more easy as using oil.

Lubricating during normal use is only done on few spots, the most important ones are the flat (or round with the older straight pulls) inside receiver sliding part of the operating rod and the tip of the operating rod where it enters the bolt sleeve groove, that area needs to be lubed well.
There should be no grease inside the bolt or at the outside but it won't hurt to use a tiny bit in the locking nut area.
Do not use too much grease, the manual reads for the K31 "battle lubricating"......NONE , so the above is only to make your rifle operate more smoothly with less wear, after all the shooting range is no battle field.

The protecting part is easy, Automatenfett can be used on bare metal to protect it against corrosion, use it limited especially on moving parts as we don't want sand to stick to these.

For storage, the -"Parkdienstschmierung" as they say there- it's easy also;
Barrel inside and outside, greased
Chamber, greased
Trigger assembly, inside bolt and hammer piece, NO grease (still the arsenals did not follow that rule that well as examples show)
Bare metal parts, greased
Blued parts, greased

The storage part is the reason why so many new owners of K31's in the USA think that they are in Cosmoline which is not the case, when they have been in storage in Swiss arsenals for a long time they are still well protected by the old yellow Waffenfett, the more recent ones are well protected by Automatenfett.

Hope this helps a bit



Yes, Lubriplate works fine.
K.31 and Garand owners are even more likely to "discuss" the merits of various lubricants than AR owners...and oddly enough, right now my Garand is wearing Automattenfett and my K.31 is wearing Lubriplate.

Can't we all just get along? :D
OK I’ll step out here and take the chance of a real bashing but a while back I stopped using grease all together on my mil-surp rifles and started using “Liquid Bearing”
This is synthetic oil and so far has out performed the greases I use to use.

I normally don’t shoot more than 50 or so rounds from each rifle at a time and that may be why I have had no issues. I normally take two or three rifle out at a time and after 150 so rounds my shoulder has had all it wants.

It is very slick, stays where it is put and does not collect dust and dirt like grease.

OK, flame suit on.
Tell me I am nuts and why – LOL!!!!