Autoloader for my girl


I'm thinking of putting an autoloader together for my girlfriend. I'm thinking of a Remington 11-87. Are there any others I should consider? Sorry, I can't afford a Benelli.

Also, what type of mods are done to autoloaders? I'm thinking sidesaddle, extended mag, vang comp barrel, extended mag, maybe an extended charging handle.

Any input would be appreciated.

Oh, I'm considering either the youth model, or a standard model, and then getting a Speedfeed stock with a shorter pull. She's really small, which is why I want a auto for reduced recoil, and not having to work a slide.

1100 Rem. youth model, 20 ga. synthetics are hard to beat! Easy to find all the goodies too!!!
Is it for home defense, hunting, trapskeet shooting, what?? If it is for HD, I would take out every possible malfunction. That means not getting an auto. Last thing I would want in a life or death confrontaion is to have a shell misfeed. I wouldn't worry a darn thing about recoil. If your girl is having to blast away at an intruder -- the LAST thing on her mind is going to be recoil. If she can keep the muzzle under control for at least three shots...shes good. You can really tailor recoil to the shooter by simply changing loads. You can get pads too. There are gobs of ways to limit recoil other than going to an auto. I would stay away from the auto for HD, really. For trap and such, a 12 ga auto would be great. Especially for doubles. I can't really comment on hunting since I have never been out. Hope this helps some and doesn't just confuse you. :)


[This message has been edited by Hueco (edited February 24, 2000).]
So what we are saying is that an auto works well for doubles on the range, but not in the HD role????? I think this auto vs. pump thing has been blown way too far! I can see the military sticking with a pump because of the mud, sand, and grime that it will encounter. But if you keep an auto clean, and lubed, they will work very well. Alot of guys carry an auto pistol, and then cut up auto shotguns for reliability. The 1100 Rem. when properly cleaned, and lubed, and used with the proper ammo will cycle for more shots than most people care to shoot. Besides, how many times do you plan to shoot in a defensive roll? I would say if you need more than 3 or 4 rounds you probably lost!!
I have 3 1100 Remingtons and my dad has 3 more. We use them for trap, sporting clays, and hunting upland birds. I have had very, very few problems. And most of the malfunctions I had were because I was half way through my second round of 100 bird trap without lubing the gun. Yea, if you need more than 50 rds. or so, or plan on low crawling through waist deep mud, then I would buy a pump. But for home defense, the 1100 Rem. will do the trick!
WoW! Thanx for all of the good responses. I did leave out the crucial piece of info, in that this gun would be used in a HD/3 gun challenge type of role.

Reduced recoil isn't the number one issue for me/her, as she has fired many pump 12ga with out complaint on that issue.

I'm more looking for something that would fit her frame. A pump would be okay, as long as she could comfortable work the action without having to re-arange her grip.

When she's fired "out of the box" shotguns her support hand ends up under the reciever because her arms are short. Changing the length of pull(shorter stock) should help this??? I'm also thinking that an autoloader would be better, so she wouldn't have to shift and reach for a slide to rack.

That's kind of why I posted here, because perhaps my thinking is flawed. Maybe a shorter length of pull will allow her to work the action on a pump just fine.

In no way am I trying to discount my girlfriends abilities, just trying to make it easier for her. I mean, I'm fully confident that if her shotgun jammed or ran dry, she would have no problem transitioning to her Glock. Man she's great.
cjb, first, I do not carry an automatic pistol. Second, you did say that you have had malfunctions with an auto shotgun. All I am trying to say is that it would be a terrible shame to get shot simply because the gun didn't function properly for whatever reason. Say that the probability of a malfunction is 1 in 500 with a clean auto. No, double that -- make it 1 in 1000. In fact, triple that -- make it 1 in 3000. Now according to probability, one time out of every 3000 shots somethign will go wrong. And out of 3000 shots, there is no greater chance that the malfunction will be the first than it will be the last. She could pick up the gun -- only have to fire it once...and that one shot could be the one. I am sorry, I could be wrong. But in my view, HD is not about worrying about probability, it is about saving your life. Again, though I could be totally wrong, I would never choose an auto for a HD gun. And also, if I was seriously worried someone was out to kill me whilst I was walking around -- I'd carry a pump shotgun. :) All said, and all totaled...she would probably be fine with an auto and NEVER have a single problem. Perhaps I am too over-protective when it comes to women. I just don't want to see or hear of any gal getting hurt or killed for a reason that could have been prevented. If she can't work the action on a pump, then I would have to admit...the next best thing is an auto.

Sounds you got a keeper there, Monoboy.

If she's comfortable with a 12 ga, the older 1100 Remington may be the answer. They have a good rep with the folks that shoot the most, clays and trapshooters,and I've been hearing of glitches with the 11-87s.And there's lots of aftermarket stuff.

Here's something that might help w/o costing the farm. Get/make a short stock for your shotgun and let her try it out. If she can use that weapon, get her one to match. That way, you've got commonality of parts, and no problems switching from one to the other in a crisis/AS Scenario.

If not, a youth model 1100 would be an excellent choice.

A shorter stock would be needed for her. Whether its an autoloader or pump she needs to support it just the same!
