Auto Ordnance 1911


New member
Hi Folks,

Moss' 1911 lust post prompted me to ask this question.
I am interested in a mil-spec style 1911.

Anyone have any info/feedback on the new Auto Ordnance 1911's? The company was recently bought by Kahr Arms, who as some of you know, make a really fine pistol. They are also manufacturing them in my backyard. (and I don't care about them being moonies...)

I would hope that being related, the quality would be at the same level. If anyone could help, I would appreciate it.

Also, besides Springfield Armory, who would make a mil-spec 1911?
Thanks! Hoppy
Until production is assumed by Kahr, I wouldn't touch an AutoOrdnance. The quality of the casting is poor and the assembly isn't much better.
I cannot speak for current or future production, but past guns were pretty bad. They apparently bought parts as cheap as possible whereever they could find them, then threw the guns together with little quality control and no concern about reliability or durabiity.

OK, you've got me interested, where is Kahr, and what's the story of them being moonies. Sounds like some interesting trivia on the industry. I'm hoping someone will be the guine pig and try one of these new AO's and post on it.


Kahr Arms, located in NY and MA is headed up by Justin Moon, son of Sun yung Moon(sp?) of the Unification Church. Yup it's true..The Moonies.. You might be able to find something in the archives by doing a search on Kahr.

A long while ago, this was brought up and mulled over a bit here on TFL. Everyone agreed that Justin is a good gunmaker.

Mark / FL
Moonies, yes, but the son seems to be a 2nd amandment supporter and knows how to design a good pistol (I've seen his patents on the patent/trademark office website), they cover the DA firing system in the Kahr pistol. In case you're wondering, I don't own a Kahr, but I researched them back when I wanted one (I still want one!, just no $$$).

Kahr Arms is out of New York, but the manufacturing facility is here in Worcester, Mass. Excellent firearm.
They are small, thin, powerful, comfortable, uniquely designed and have a great trigger. If the AO 1911 follows suit, I would think it would be a great pistol as well. On the website is says "now shipping" as in: we redid the manufacturing and here's the first run! But, I'm an optimist...

They are actually calling it the Thompson 1911.

Thanks for the replies!