I have one that I really like. I currently have about a half dozen other pistols so its not like it is the only gun I have or could afford. A buddy and I have a makeshift range at his farm, and we often put a bunch of blue rocks out on the hillside and shoot them at 25 + yds, then shoot any of the bigger pieces that are left. Any of my friends that I have let shoot it were impressed with it. I let one guy that had never shot a pistol before shoot it, and he kept all of them in less than 8" at 25yds. It did have a few times it wouldn't properly chamber the first round out of a full mag when I first bought it (boy that spring was tight), that shortly disappeared, since then ZERO problems, until I had one batch of reloads that were just a tad long to work smoothly in the mag, my fault - not the pistols. Everything that I have either works or it is history, I still have my AO.
This question has been asked here a couple of times before, and some people like them, some don't. The people that don't usually have a pistol that cost substantially more than an AO. I guess people that pay 2-3 times as much for a pistol, and then give a smith another couple hundred just to (hopefully) make it work right can't deal with the fact that you CAN buy a decent, accurate, reliable pistol that doesn't have some "designer" name on it. What really cracks me up, is that you will hear some of these same people say that cheap chinese sh!t pistols are good, (at least good enough to dump another $500 or more into and replace every part to make them work right) that is what some big name told them, so they follow the herd and shell out the bucks. Most of the people that put down AO pistols have never owned one, and are probably just repeating what the salesman for the designer name on their pistol told them just before bending them over. I bet they never even got a kiss. It's a good thing they just read the advertisements in gun rags rather than the Inquirer.