Auto knives


New member
I know this is off the focus of this forum but I don't know where else to ask so please don't flame me too badly. I have a modest knife collection and have just started getting into auto knives. Does anyone know of a discussion group like this devoted to knives? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
burrhead (or anyone else),

What are the laws concerning auto knives? I was always under the impression that they were illegal in the U.S. but I'm starting to see them for sale at gun shows and flea markets. Has a law changed or did my mom just not want me to have one?

And I, uh, I really like my new Kimber (keeping it with the gun thing).
JJR, new to this myself but I bought a switch blade off of Auction Arms the other day with no fuss, no muss. I'm a looong time gunner but kind of new to this knife thing and feeling along myself. The site Lucas gave looks very good for info though: check it out.
You will have to research details for yourself. But, based on a scan read of a series of articles a couple years ago and depending on my increasingly unreliable memory, I think you will find that, much like guns, there is a wide variety of laws on what kind of knife is legal, and a wide variety of legal definitions about what constitutes an automatic knife. There are some federal rules but again you'll have to research details for yourself.

Jim in IN

Auto knives are mostly illegal, everywhere. I know that a perticular perculiarity in CA makes any auto knife under 2 inches legal there.

I have a goodly collection of auto knives, mostly from Benchmade, but one Boker and a GT Micro. I enjoy them, but don;t carry them much because of the legal issues.

I highly recommend the Bladeforums site.
Read the automatic knife law form found on many of the sites selling them for more information.

Auto Knives are not out and out illegal in every state, some allow CCW holders to carry them, but it varies. Now, as to how the knife got there, that's another story, and it really is a long drawn out discussion.

Check out the Automatic Knife Forum on, we'll be able to answer your questions there.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for
Auto knives are regulated by federal law, I think, under interstate commerce. It maintains that you can't transport them over state lines, unless a manufacturer, non-"civilian, or dealer. Benchmade won't accept them from anyone outside of Oregon for repair, unless sent by a dealer. State laws govern possession.
Auto knives are very over rated, they don't give you any real advantage over a good manual folder like Spyderco or Benchmade.
I had a BM Auto Spike open in my pocket. The scar has healed pretty good now, cant really see it... But I bled like a ... well, it hurt alot, and bled really good.

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Hey Kodiac, you need the BM autostryker 9100sbt with the safety! Sorry to hear that a auto fired up on you. I have carried SW ,Paragon, MOD, Gt, and other autos at one time or another(carrying a SW1250 now while the others sleep) and none have fired up. Perhaps you had something in your pocket that caused the BM to fire. Only one auto makes me nervious to carry in a pocket and that is a R. Dalton Scorpion OTF.
As I said, I have several Autos, with and without safeties, and I really believe that my CQC-7 is just as fast and positive as any of them. Plus, it is less "threatening" to non-knifers and it is 100% legal.

I used to carry an auto, most recently either a BM Mel Purdue or an Auto Stryker, both with safeties. In the past I carried an AFO, w.o safety. I never had them open up, but I got a lot of goofy looks whenver I opened one until I learned to control the opening, which saved my butt one time, when it was being examined by an over-eager security guy. I told himit was locked, and slowly opened it in front of him so he could measure the blade....

I am not an advocate of carrying autos, obvisouly.