Austrian Patriots fighting back! Freedom Party scores big electoral gains


New member
Good news for people everywhere who are feedup with the globalists agendas and who support Nationalists movements whereever they may be. The Freedom Party, lead by Joerg Haider, won 27 percent of the vote in yesterdays Austrian elections to push it past the Conservative Party into second place only 6 points behind the Socialist party which has run Austria virtually unchallenged since the end of World War II. People in Austria are feedup with political patronage, cronyism,and the burdensome bureaucracy .Also the Austrian people are fearful of the European Union,which the socialists made them join in 1995. The worry is thaT thousands of job seekers will flock into Austria when the European Union expands into the old east block nations. The Freedom party gains should encourage other nationalists in Europe like Le Pens party to keep up the fight against the globalists. Here in America, the patriots are hoping maybe beyond hope that the Reform Party will have a good candidate like Buchanan AND,more importantly, a good platform. A nationalist agenda MUST be stressed.We must bring our industries back home, stop all the UNRESTRICTED immigration, restore constitutional government which means putting the Federal government back in DC where it belongs, and restore our national sovereignty. A tall order indeed.
When I search for that Joerg guy and the Freedom Party for information I find lots of anti facist and anti Nazi type links.
It don't look good.
Interesting piece. As I was reading it I finally understood why a leading Jewish personality here in LA (Bill Handle, KFI AM640), who I listen to alot, was calling these guys natzis. Interesting that nationalizm is a dirty word in his community. To be for America, to be a patriot, is considered nationalizm and therefore a bad thing. I fly the American flag, I am for the freedoms guaranteed by the constitution, I am patriotic and now I am considered a nationalist and despised. HHHMMMMMM??
Frank, I agree with you. Patriots like Haider, Le Pen, and Buchanan are Nationalists who love their respective countries and who are feed up with the globalists who are in power in western Europe and especially the US. Haider is not a Nazis and even the head of the Jewish community was quoted as saying that people are feed up in Austria with the politicians who are riping off the masses.(sound familiar. Le Pen is no skinhead. That is a ridiculous comment by rabbit assasain. He is a Frenchman who gets 20 % of the vote and who ,like many Frenchmen, Americans, Austrians, and other people in the western world are fed up with the globalist agendas of all these politicians. Look how Pat Buchanan is damned by the Republicrats and Demagods for his new book where he is saying things that many of us believe. He is called a anti_Semite which is the buzz word for attacking patriots everywhere who oppose the globalists agenda. It is absurd sonce i have never heard any so called anti Semitic talk from any of these patriots. These elite leaders of the corrupt western political system will do anything to defame anyone who stands up to the globalist -socialist-communist agenda being rammed down the throats of the peoples of the world irrespective of race or national origin. Freedom of speach is nearly dead in the western world and if it doesnt follow the party line you better shut up.
Agreed, Rabbit Assassin--the Hitler-style nationalism was wicked for two reasons: one, it promoted Aryan superiority--at the expense of other races--and two, it was purely socialistic in nature (remember the NSDAP was the National Socialist German Workers' Party). Socialism's party line states that everyone owns a part of the state, but in practice, the state winds up owning everyone.

I'm for nationalism, insofar as it preserves a country's sovereignty and the cultural heritage of a people. We call it patriotism. But I'm leery of the kind that preaches that every nation should become like us, by whatever means available. Sounds too much like what the UN and the Trilaterals are trying to accomplish.

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
A persons antenna should go up when patriots and nationalist around the world are defamed by the powers to be. Everytime someone stands up to the elites who run these western mob democracies and rape the taxpayers with their socialist-communist agendas, he is attacked on all sides by the politically entrenched parties. If Teddy Roosevelt or William Jennings Bryan came back today they would be viciously attacked by the elites as badly as Buchanan is being attacked for his brave stand against the Corporate System. There seems to be no freedom of speech for patriots anywhere in the western world. If people cant see this totalitarian trend,especially in the attacks on nationalists by enrenched governments of both right and left(ALL are the same controlling elites), then we all will go down the road to global slavery.
I live in Austria and I think it's very important to mention that the freedom party was basically the only party who stands in full support of the right to keep a gun loaded at home for self defense.
The socialist, the green and the liberal party even tried to get a complete handguns ban through parliament last year!!!

I know that Haider has had a problem with our past, with confessing the whole guilt our nation has for participating in the holocaust and condemming every aspect of the Nazi regime- but judged by his partys concepts, he is far away from being right wing.
However, I would be glad if ANY party here would introduce prooven US concepts ( which are supported even by your Democrats ) like "three violent crimes and you won't come out of prison", Megans law, zero tolerance - not to mention the death penalty.. - but this is considered inhumane here and parole for criminals is still the political correct view.

If you are against parole for criminals but for gunrights you are an anti-social individual who is trying to destroy our
society, if you vote for the freedom party to keep your guns you are a Nazi pig, etc.!!
I think all of this is manipulated by the liberal media; imagine, EVERY newspaper here has printed manipulated gun death statistics which were published by the socialist party!!
It's a pervers climate here in Europe, no wonder people vote against this.
Cato, it is good to hear from a European patriot,and Austrian to bootsince the subject is Austria. I and other true pro gun patriots around America salute you and other Europeans who are in the heart of the Globalist camp in Europe and who are trying to stem the globalist-communist agenda. I sometimes think that there are many more Europeans who understand the dangers posed by the globalists than there are here in America. As it stands now, we patriots in America really have no party to go to at this time. The jury is still out on the Reform Party because we dont know its platform or who its leader will be. At least in some European countries like France and Austria there is real political oposition to the Globalist agenda(Le Pen's National Front Party and the Freedom Party in Austria) Patriots around the world are in a full scale war with the entrenched political systems nearly everywhere.Maybe we Americans need people like Haider and Le Pen over here to galvinize the sleeping masses! Its one world, right?
Thanks a lot Ivan for your moral support!

I forgot to mention that our new strict 1996
firearms law was necessary to join the European Community ( even Switzerland had to pass a new stricter law- otherwise the EC would put them under economic pressure!! ).
Before that hollowpoint ammo was legal, and every citizen had an affirmative legal right to own two handguns for self protection!!
Now we must pass a psycho test, plus a shooting exam every five years to own them- and still the socialist and the EC want even stricter laws!!

I hope the US gunowners keep on fighting against similar plans which come through the UN!! Let's hope that the US will remain the last free state on earth!
Maybe a republican president can turn the US around again?
Good post Ivan, missed this story all together. Europeans are much further down the road to the NWO. Interesting to see how their native indigenous people are fairing during this process.

In the shadow of Bunker Hill from the People's Republic of Massachusetts
Links about Haider -
in one it says
" He is best known for having praised Adolf Hitler's employment policies in the past and for having called veterans of the Nazi Waffen SS "men of character."

A joke for you Ivan -
A Chinese man and his Jewish friend were walking along one day when the Jewish man whirled and slugged the Chinese man and
knocked him down.

"What was that for?" the Chinese man asked.

"That was for Pearl Harbor!" the Jewish man said.

"Pearl Harbor? That was the Japanese. I’m Chinese."

"Chinese, Japanese, you are all the same!"


They continued walking and after a while the Chinese man whirled and knocked the Jewish man to the ground.

"What was that for?" the Jewish man asked.

"That was for the Titanic!"

"The Titanic? That was an iceberg."

"Iceberg, Goldberg, you are all the same."
This thread should be in the Legal/Political forum. If a sequel is
needed, please put it there.


Rabbit Assassin,

Here’s the quote: “Haider in the past has expressed sympathy for some
of Adolf Hitler's policies.”

Hitler was a monster. His best remembered policies were
monstrous. However, he had many “policies”. Which are implied here?
Extermination of Jew, Poles, and other innocents apparently is what we
are to assume, but is that accurate?

Then again, Hitler also advocated better hospital care, building a
memorial to victims who died in a train wreck, improved medical care at
orphanages, and directed a better beach be built at Wannsee (among
thousands of other “policies”).

You kill living creatures (or at least that is what your user name
implies). So did Ted Bundy. But I wouldn’t categorize a bunny butcher
with a monster who killed perhaps a hundred women.

Let’s say you and Bundy both liked the same beer. I could say, “Rabbit
Assassin and Ted Bundy had some similar personal traits!” (Both drank beer, liked the same brand.) Totally accurate. Totally misleading. Totally insulting - both to you and to the reader.

Innuendo is the tool of the manipulator.
- Did Haider express mere understanding (with disagreement) or did he
express support for Hitler's policies?
- More importantly, with which of Hitler’s policies did Haider
- Most importantly, is Haider a neo-Nazi or not!

The author of your referenced article should state the facts, support them with valid documentation, etc. Instead, he employs copious innuendo but no facts!

Therefore, in THIS article, the important issues are left to the imagination of the reader.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited October 10, 1999).]
If you think Pat Bucannon's socialist-isolationist agenda is good for this country you have a very limitted perception on how capitalism and economic forces work. If you want a good referance for an economic policy that will work for the next millenium, read "The Wealth of Nations" by Adam Smith.
Ivan lets face it. For some folks anything that supports patriotism and nationalism will get turned around to racism and anti Semitism by some folks. Its the same old baiting that goes on in our politics all the time. God save us from internationalism, communism, socialism, colonialism and the dregs of the British Empire (Commonwealth). Pat Buchanan puts forth an opinion on WWII. He postulates that the western allies would have been better served if they delayed their entry into the war while the Germans bled the Reds. Seems like the French and the Brits got their asses kicked at the Maginot Line and Dunkirk. Maybe Pat is right and maybe he was wrong. That doesn't mean he supports Adolph Hitler. But that's what the main stream press says about him. You have to expect the running dogs of the internationalists to be nipping at your heals if you try to express an opinion that goes against the NWO. Certain right wing baitings are becoming very inflammatory and have no place on this forum. Ho hum.

In the shadow of Bunker Hill from the People's Republic of Massachusetts

You need to change the backslash in the final tag to a forward slash.


"Janet Reno is the fire that ignites my loins."
--Joe Cartoon
Bab, read the report on the great gains by the Swiss nationalists. Buchanan is our last hope in America to stem the tide of Republican_Democrat sellout of our economic and political sovereignty. The problem i see is that the average American just isnt 'on the ball" when it comes to a understanding of the threat the Globalist present to America. They are either too busy working around the clock to pay the bills in this global economy(Single worker in a family is long gone) or do not have the intellectual savy to understand the big picture(Dumbed down school system). The Europeans seem to understand the Globalist threat better. Le Pen in France gets a good 20%, the Austrians ate coming on line, and it looks like the Belgians and others are waking up. I really hope Pat Buchanan can get the reform party nomination. He is the first presidential Candidate in many decades to warn of the internationalist threat. But the biggest hurddle may be the Many conservative Americans that still believe in the two(ONE) party system and cant admit to themselves that WE ARE BEING SOLD DOWN THE RIVER!
The beat goes on. These are some of the "threads" running through the news lately. Several Austrian Neo Nazis were arrested. They were known to wear camo pants, some were seen with military style berets on, and two were gun owners. Israel is encouraging immigration from Austria due to the resurgence of Anti-Semitism in the wake of the right wing election gains. Donald Trump calls Pat Buchanan a Nazi sympathiser. The next thing you know Pat Buchanan will get blamed for what is happening in Austria. These are interesting times we live in Ivan. It just gets curioser and curioser.

In the shadow of Bunker Hill from the People's Republic of Massachusetts