Australian Cadet Rifle


I have an Australian Cadet Rifle SS#60888. It's well over 70 yrs old. Also as the image of a kangaroo engraved. On the stock it reads C. M. F. N. S. W. 23.425 10/11

Can anyone provide me more information about when it was made?

I believe it was made by Martini and I think the caliber is 310.
If it has not been rechambered, the cartridge is .310 Cadet. Brass can be hard to find but .32-20 brass works. More difficult is the bullet. The bullet is a heeled design, like a .22rf bullet. Diameter is .312- .313”.
There's a whole forum on Martini Henry's at (Add the 'W's.) Including a bunch of guy who were Aussie Cadets.
There's this too.
Note the stock letters mean "Citizen Military Forces N.S.W" The NSW being New South Wales. Made between 1899 and 1949. Used until 1955 only in Australia.
Buffalo Arms wants $51.19 per 20 for smokeless powder ammo. When they have any. Uses a 120 grain "heeled" bullet.
Bertram makes the brass. Graf's wants $38.99 per 20. Also when they have any.
At one time Australia had a system of compulsory military training for boys, and these were purchased for it. Many originally had cleaning rods in a rod channel underneath like the early Krags - unfortunately many cadets found it irresistible to launch these with a blank cartridge and some fatalities occurred.
Yep, BSA Australian Cadet rifle, in 310 Cadet. You can make brass out of 32-20, although the rim is thicker and likely will not chamber in stock form. DKT used to make heeled bullets, and Hornady makes a .314 wadcutter that works well.
I had a Martini a couple years ago. It was marked BSA and Austrailia CW. It had
the Kangaroo on reciever. A local gunsmith in WVa had made up a lot of these rifles in 218B and 22jet. New barrels, sporter wood and he formed monkey tails
into a loop. I think some guys chambered them for 32/20 and shot factory 32/20
through original 310 bores. I have herd of 30/30s but I never saw one. I would
think a cartridge that long would have problems making it into chamber over the
breech block.
There is a good deal of Internet Lore on loading and shooting the .310. You can reform .32-20 to suit (or buy it from Buffalo Arms for $1.89 a pop) or you can rechamber to .32-20 but you need to use the right bullet.

Some were rechambered to .32 Winchester Special which seems too big, but it must have worked to some extent.