Australian animal liberationist

What really pisses me off is that this clown is a tenured professor at a major university. There was some news spot about him a few days back and of course the one student they interviewed happened to believe he is an important member of the faculty with "great" ideas to contribute to his students.

I don't know why I watch these #$#^&(* things. They make me want to punch my fist through the picture tube.
Basically,the PETA loonies and their ilk are Anti-human. They view the human race with a contempt whether hidden or blatant. While virtually no one wants animals to needlessly suffer,these people are carrying things to the extreme equating animals with human beings and assigning Anthropomorphic traits to them.(owning a dog is a form of Fascism?)

Another agenda that puts emotionalism ahead of rationality and logic and reason.

Hmmm,I wonder what other issue I've run into that with?

Without the 2nd Amendment,the Declaration of Independence is an old post card and the entire Constitution is just notes from a bridge club meeting.
If you'll notice every one of PETA's arguments is something like "If you wouldn't do it to a retarded child, you shouldn't do it to an animal..." Animals are not retarded children, and nor are they morally the same.

I wish we could chain these people down and force them to watch "The Trials of Life." Wouldn't that be a hoot?

[This message has been edited by BTR (edited October 13, 1999).]
I really hate these animal extremists. Being an Environmental Science teacher, I try to teach an environment-friendly model of civilization. It doesn't help to have these people giving environmentalists a bad name! A ban on hunting? How could anyone who knows ANYTHING about ecology be against controlled hunting? These people are so disconnected from reality that they cannot be reasoned with, and that makes them dangerous. Almost enough to make me go out and buy a fir coat...
So, BTR, PETA considers retarded humans no better than animals--there's an insult if ever I heard one?

Gino, you're not from Australia, are you? I'm pretty sure Rabbit Assassin is, and I know he understands the necessity of controlling the rabbit population (English gentlement brought them over for sport s few centuries ago, but since rabbits have no natural enemies, they flourished like crazy.). Much the same way we have to keep deer under control in the states. If not, they strip the foliage bare and starve out the other local animals.

So, hunting isn't really cruelty to animals--it's really doing them a favor.

I'd also go into a long discussion about the pro-animal, anti-human mentality, but this post is long enough as it is (unless you want to hear me rant some more offline).


Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
My wife and I exhibit dogs at American Kennel Club dog shows. We always keep in mind that the PETA bunch and other animal rights extremists have the potential to "liberate" our dogs from their life of "involuntary servitude." They would rather see our dogs scrounging in someone's garbage or hit by a truck rather than in a comfortable home where they are taken care of.
I got into a discussion (ok, flame duel!) with a guy from Australia on a martial arts discussion board over hunting. Seems this guy actively disrupts hunting with some group in Australia. Well, at the time I thought he was local to the US and gave him an invitation with precise directions to where I hunt on private land. Unfortunately he could not afford the trip.

Byron Quick
Actually, Peter Singer, a professer at Princeton (my how the Ivy League schools have declined) feels that animals have MORE rights than retarded children.

In the article that I read, he is against killing animals for any purpose. It's only children up to a certain age that he has no problem with killing.

And they consider his ideas "intelletual debate"?