Australia, land of the fsck'd?

cornered rat

Such is the crock of excrement we in the U.S. can look forward to! A large and festering crock it is.
Thank you Republicrats!
Yes C/rat, it is actually worse than you lucky yanks realise !***Vests, mace and handcuffs are prohibited ITEMSand for some considerable time too....slingshots/capapults and ALL knives are prohbited WEAPONS.The NSW police now have 40S&W Glocks/mace and nightsticks and can arrest anyone who has any of the above items on their person or in a search of premises.*** You could get 2-3 years in jail easily or a large fine ...or both!


XXX the Bunny.
The way things are going, I'm getting deeper into blackpowder. I just placed my order for a reproduction Whitworth rifle and have already got Romano moulds for hexagonal boattail bullets. Gee, Death From Afar, circa 1861. Too bad I need a seeing eye dog. ;)

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
They actually put it in print, "Don't be afraid you will make things worse by involving the police. We can help you and protect you."
They have absolutely no shame!
Can you believe this,

"But remember this amnesty is strictly for 3 months. If you're caught with a prohibited weapon after that, you'd better have a permit, or you could face severe penalties. These include fines of up to $11,000 and 14 years in prison"

Seems to me that if caught one might just as well shoot their way out. Not much to loose!

John - NRA - Lifer
4V50Gary: Dunno is it peculiar only to some states, or if it's federal, but reproductions are considered "modern".

I think the key year is 1898; if the firearm was actually manufactured before then, it's not controlled.

Somebody correct me on this?

WTFO? Check the wrist rocket and spear gun!


Before THEY hurt you! More like, "Before WE hurt you!"

[This message has been edited by Destructo6 (edited June 02, 1999).]
I have been trying to tell you blokes ... :(

Here in the West, while you don't need a licence for a crossbow, you do have to go to the police station and tell them you're buying it before the shop can sell it to you. So they (the police) have all your details anyway ....

Spearguns are still OK, provided you're in the water ...

Bullet-proof [sic] vests are totally banned in Australia by Federal decree ... the thinking is that no lawful person could possibly want one, only criminals ...

Wrist rocket slingshots are also prohibited here ...

So is private ownership of fireworks ... :(
(The penalty can be up to 7 years in gaol!!)

14 years for a slingshot??? Dennis the Menace,known for his trade mark back pocket slingshot would be in for a number of years if this were the case here in the States.

Bruce and all:

I sent the police a little feedback on their web site. Something to the effect "Your weapons laws are completely loopy. Absolutely cracked. Enjoy your Police State, you truely deserve whatever you get."

Do we have an extradition treaty with Oz?? With the state of things down there, that comment might be enough to get me arrested and executed for subversion :0

"Spearguns are still OK, provided you're in the water ..."?
I guess you keep them in a "Government approved underwater locked speargun case"?, else when you come up to the beach with your evening meal and whammo, the cuffs and off to jail!
Is the (spear)gun alone (without spear) illegal, or the spear its self, or heaven forbid, it must be the evil rubber band (by the way, are the rubbers classified (.22 calibewr rubber band, .44 MAGNUM rubber band, etc.)
All kidding aside, the Government and authorities in your country have carried the banning of "weapons" to the point of ridiculous.
We in this country are heading that way at a very rapid pace. It also pains me that the "GOOD" citizens of this country are being forced into becoming the criminal element that we all dispise. More and more I am hearing words from my fellow citizens that I have never heard before in my 56 years and those are the words "civil war" and "I am prepared to put my life on the line". For our elected officials to move this country in this direction only means one thing to me. These are not leaders, THEY are what we need to abolish in this country, but people are too damn lazy and stupid to think of a way to do that. Also doing that would conflict with the "We are all the same" politically corect
doctrine. Well, we are NOT all the same, but guns are. So I say get off the backs of good citizens and get to work on the filth of society. The 50's and 60's didn't have crime like we have now because they didn't tolerate it as a society. Kissing the butts of worthless people is why crime is the way it is today.

Cornered Rat, thanks again for sharing what we are in for in the very near future. Let it be a lesson that we should all keep in mind.

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.
As far as I'm concerned shooters here deserve what they get. They don't go to rally's, they don't join shooting organisations, and only 58 000 people out of 180 000 liscenced shooters could even vote for the Shooters Party in the State election last March.
All shooters do is complain, then they say well the laws won't get any worse or this doesn't affect me. I will continue on in my efforts but I don't feel sorry for %90 of shooters here.
Our only enemy is ourselves, divided we did stand, united we have fallen.

FREE Gun and Hunting Ezine at
Blackpowder muzzleloaders are not federally regulated. At one point though, the ATF considered the Knight, Remington and other makes of in-line muzzleloaders which used a modern rifle primer in lieu of a percussion cap as a modern firearm which had required a 4473. Since then, they've withdrawn somewhat but what extent I do not know. Anybody?

BTW, Kalifornia as well as a few other leading states consider black powder guns as modern and requires dealers to have their customers complete a 4473. It could be a matchlock, and you'd have to fill one out.

Funny thing about modern rifle primers in black powder guns, I think that was done over 100 years ago. Even electronically fired guns is an old concept.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
My thinking is when you have to consider muzzle-loaders for legal reasons, it is time to start building "grease gun" successors...
Cornered Rat,

SMGS are up close and personal. If you want up close and personal (ala: mano y mano), use America's most cherished instrument of death: la macchina.

Yes, it comes in all makes (Chevy, Ford, Chrysler, BMW & Volvo for yuppies), colors, sizes, shape and speed. Even the poor can afford it in this country (remember the movie, "Grapes of Wrath" where even the poor owned a truck?). Why, no kevlar vest will stop or prevent serious injury from the subsonic impact from la macchina. No argument against slow and heavy projectiles here. One good hit and lotsa ouchie. Kinda hard to clear a house with one though.

People in this country every year prove how deadly they are when armed with la macchina. I'd say about 40k killed alone yearly and many more injured.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt

Humour with a bite :)

Seriously, if you put the spear in the gun and cock it before you're in the water, and a copper sees you, you're in sheep dip .... err, deep sh*t.

Rabbit Assassin
I think you're partly right -- yes, shooters here (and in the USA from all I read here and on other forums) are divided, but, mate -- we never had to face this sort of thing before; we are newbies at it.

Nah, mate -- you're safe. We've just had an official Govt ruling that "bugger" is no longer a swear word (true!!!). So while the Kings and Queens of England might have said to convicts "Tell them to go to buggery!" (which meant Australia) --- we don't do that no more! ;)
