Australia Calling

Blue Heeler

It is 10pm here in Queensland.About an hour
ago New Zealand entered the new century.
Local reports say there have been few if any
problems--power is still on and the bank
ATM's are still working.I'll keep you posted
Well Guys it's just past 11.30pm in Queensland.Sydney and Melbourne have already
been thru the barrier--and nothing happened-
not that I know about anyway.We are an hour
after them because they have daylight saving.
We voted that idea down in Queensland--we like things to stay the same and don't care
for fiddling with the time.
So far it is looking OK--I'm quite relieved
--I have had to knock off a beer or two just
to be up with the action--I'll probably hit
the sack about 12.30,if I don't get a second
wind.See ya later.
Damn... that SUCKS... no problems.

Now I won't get to check out my home parimeter security plans with my family fireteam. :(

Well maybe it will take some time for all the Y2K bugs to hit... I can only hope and keep the family training! ;)

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"