Aussie toyshop owner guilty on "gun counts"

Fair dinkum, sometimes I feel like weeping at the stupidity of it all ....

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>TOYMAN GUILTY ON GUN COUNTS

Herald Sun Sunday, Victoria, 8/8/99

A Richmond shop owner who sold plastic toy guns was found guilty this week of firearms offences.

Magistrate Duncan Reynolds placed Rod Sheridan on a 12-month good-behaviour bond and directed him to pay $500 to the poor box.
He ordered the forfeiture of five boxes of toy guns seized by police but directed that no conviction be recorded against Mr Sheridan's name.

The toy importer and wholesaler was charged with three offences after police raided his shop on June 2.

He pleaded guilty in Melbourne Magistrates' Court on Thursday to possession of a handgun and failing to hold a handgun shooter's licence.

Defence lawyer Chris Henaghan said his client had no choice about his plea because under changes to the Firearms Act, the toy guns could technically be classed as handguns.
The third charge of carrying on business of a firearms dealer as withdrawn by police. Mr Sheridan faced fines of up to $36,000 and/or two years' jail.

But the magistrate said he would use his discretion in handing down his decision.

Mr Sheridan, newly married father of a three-month old child, said yesterday he could not afford to fight the charges in a long court hearing. "I was hoping that if I pleaded guilty at the first opportunity the
magistrate might dismiss the case," he said.
"But although he did not, it was obvious he thought the charges against me were pretty insignificant.

"Since I had no conviction recorded against my name, I will still be able to travel overseas, which is a key part of my business."

Mr Sheridan said he felt he had been singled out by police because no action had been taken against other retailers or wholesalers.

"There have been no warnings or advice handed to the Australian Toy Association or any other efforts to ensure importers of the toys are made aware of the provisions of the Firearms Act," Mr Sheridan said. "Why did Customs not ban the import of these toys if they are now deemed illegal? They were all declared and cleared."

Police yesterday declined to comment on the case.

Mr Sheridan's Swan St store was raided after a parent complained to police. Amendments to the Firearms Act in 1996, in the wake of the Port Arthur massacre brought in stricter definitions of firearms.[/quote]

(All emphasis mine -- B)

Please, Uncle Sam, lower your immigration entry requirements to include Aussies as "political refugees" .... please?

Bruce, we'd be glad to have you immigrate. As ridiculous as the story you posted is, we have children in this country being kicked out of school for drawing pictures of guns. I don't think we're too far behind your homeland as far a gun hysteria is concerned.
Coming to America might sound nice - but then he would have to call Klinton HIS president too!

The pain of THAT choice! I need an Advil...

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
There's a secondary point to be made here. Notice the raid was prompted by a citizen's complaint? There always are government informers amongst us. No matter where you are. No matter whom you're with...

In Australia, by banning the "gun culture" from childhood on, they are raising a crop of government stooges and virtual slaves. HCI and other organizations with different (but mutually supportive) goals are trying to do the same thing here.

At what point, if any, will we say stop? Will we say it soon enough and strongly enough to be effective? Or will we follow the same route as Australia, Japan, Canada, and Great Britain?
As far as I read it, ANY toy gun that utilizes a pneumatic plunger to propell a projectile is classified as an Air Weapon thus falling in the Firearm Category :(
Stupid Dumb @ssed Laws are written by
Stupid Dumd @ssed Politicians !
Can "crazy" Aussie (me) be granted "Assylum" ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
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Bruce, you guys never fail to amaze us. And stagger us with the possibility of our own future. There is apparently no end, is there?

That's INSANE...

Is there anyway you guys can fight back - because that stuff is just plain stupid. What can you guys do? Is there any hope?

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
George, if there is a PIN that pushes the dart/whatever it is a TOY.(Nerf gun)
But if it has a piston/cup affair that pushes air thus propelling the projectile it is a "GUN" !
Makes sense ?..... NO !
Politicians give a sh#t ?
'Course not ! :(

"The Gun from Down Under !"
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Rabbit Assassin hit the nail on the head. The problem isn't just politicians - it's gun owners:

"There is no hope. 90% of gun owners sit back and do nothing. I'm beginning to not give a stuff now."

That plaintive cry should be our call to action!

Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
Gun owners are the problem. If even half of them could protest or do something we wouldn't have any problems. Politicians pass anti gun laws because they know we are really to lazy to do much about it.
Politicians think of themselves, if they knew they would lose if they passed anti gun laws they wouldn't pass them.
Shooters still keep on voting the same way they have all their lives, here it's Labor or Liberal and they vote that way because their father did too. Even if that politician hastaken away their guns they still vote for them. Oh well all is lost. I'm glad I'm technically a farmer (legally sort of) because although one day they'll ban guns from farmers, we will be the last to go.
Sorry, RA, I have to take exception with you on that.

Yes, there are a lot of "disorganised" shooters who don't give a stuff.

But there are many, many shooters (SSAA members included) who are plugging away, day after frustrating day, to do something about it.

I voted Liberal nearly all my adult life --- but never again. If there is no "gun friendly" independent, I'll vote informal rather than give the Libs, Labor or Democrats my vote --- or preference.

We also work in the background, promoting the shooting sports as a "legitimate" recreation.

Some of us will never damn well give up!!

Still it wouldn't amount to more than 10%.
I'm on the local SSAA committee and a few others and know that there are a lot of hardworking people but 10% are doing the work for the rest.
Grayfox, I hafta admit my son has 2 of them !
One ia a G-17 Longslide with a scope & the other is a S&W 4013.
They were bought for $4-$5 from those Dollars & Cents shops that are everywhere.
Customs is pretty Lax/Underpowered here in Aus. & a LOT of stuff slips in.
Toyshops/Retailers sell an abundance of semi-legal toy guns & other items all the time.
The packaging on these guns has long since been landfill but on the grip of both guns is a Stylised Old English A.
On the G-17 is A Club Air Gun --Soft Dart--
16L 8x18, AC888 *RP - (Model ?)
They "shoot" a Yellow soft rubber "bullet" about 10' if your lucky @ about 5fps !
Oooooo - DANGEROUS ;)
They are made in China :(
The cool thing is that the "bullets" are .356 in diameter & can be push fitted into a .38/.357 mag primed case & are FUN !
If you get my drift... ;)
Still another dumb @ssed law that's HERE :(

"The Gun from Down Under !"
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