Aunt robbed of $10,000


New member
A couple of months ago my aunt was robbed while she was transporting roughly $10,000 in cash on her person to the bank. We couldn't believe she would be that stupid: she went alone, she went unarmed (she doesn't even own a gun), she never saw the guy coming, and carried in it clear zip lock bags.

She doesn't think someone followed her; i'll gurantee it. Think about it; the one day in 57 years of life that you are robbed is the one day you have $10,000 on you. Also, having $10,000 in cash on you is just plain old stupid; why not electroically transfer it or atleast lock it in the trunk and bring a bunch of friends. Or maybe even hire an armored truck, depending on how much that would cost. By the way, the payment was from a client of her husbands (he's a lawyer). I bet it was someone the client hired to get his money back from her. Because he's the one who would know when, where, and who has the money.

She came over to my house and fired my P22 and 10/22 in my backyard using some CB shorts. She wants a gun now.

Do you guys think this was random, or planned by someone who knew her/followed her? It scares me to think some BG has/is following one my loved ones.

I mean, was she walking down the street swinging the clear plastic loot-filled bags at her side? If that's the case, I doubt it was planned. Like a kitten strolling through a yardfull of loose dogs - the conclusion is pretty certain.
TJ brings up a good point, was the cash hidden on her person or out in the open?

If hidden and she made no mention of it, it could have been the "smell" of fear on her (she acting nervous, like she had something to hide/steal). Criminals are very good at being able to "smell" that fear.

If not, then it's an inside job. Someone either saw it or knew about it and made a phone call. Even really good friends, trusted friends, can be tempted enough to stab you in the back if they think that it's worth it.

As for being armed, get her some training also (even if you have to pay for it).

First thing that comes to mind is, "What in the heck is hubby thinking when he gives his wife 10k in cash to take to the bank???" I wouldn't give my GF 10K period, much less send her out with that much cash unescorted. Of course, it's possible that she does the books at the atty's office and/or regularly makes deposits.

Then I'm thinking this is clearly an inside job. Who pays their atty fees in cash? That makes me more suspicious, with regards to both character and possible setup. Was this a random deposit? If so, I doubt the robbery was premeditated. Not sure it would be possible to figure out who left the attorney's office with a pocketful of cash. Maybe if the robbers had an a source inside the office. Otherwise, sitting outside in the parking lot waiting to steal your cash back would be long odds on picking the right vic. Of course if she walked out the door clutching a wad of cash in a clear zip-lok bag then its open season.

At the very least it sounds fishy. What are the chances you get hit the one time in your life you have 10K in cash on your person???
Well i'll play the bad guy on this. How honest is your aunt.Easy way to keep ten grand is to say she was robbed. Was there any witnesses? I know this may rub some of you the wrong way but never assume anything.
its to pay off school loans for both of them..... i'd don't think she'd steal it cause now they are worried about losing their house :( . The guy also took her wedding ring and watch :mad:
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Let's see.

Client pays attorney for services rendered in $10K cash
I'm guessing it was a criminal trial involving recreational pharmaceuticals, hence the cash.
Wife gets robbed of the cash the same day while going to the bank

I believe in coincidences, but this one walks like a duck and is quacking its head off.
My opinion is that it was a crime of opportunity. Who else was in your uncles office? A so-called spec client could have been watching/listening, saw the opportunity and trailed your aunt. I do feel your aunt was lax and in condition white. Your uncle bears responsibility too. He should have known how stupid it would be to take $10.000.00 in cash, in clear zip-loc bags and to allow his wife to go to the bank alone was negligent. They BOTH need training, they need to develop their awareness and he should hire a escort/process server who can run these errands armed.
Wait a minute... Aren't you the very same person who also criticized the woman who is conducting her own investigation into the purse-snatchers who stole her stuff? What's the deal with you? It seems like no one can do right by you.

I applaud the woman who is going out of her own way to try to find the scum who stole her purse. She found that the cops were utterly ineffective at pursuing justice on her behalf. What else should she do, just write it off and stand by, doing nothing as the thieves keep doing what they do? Should we all be like that? What kind of country would this be if everyone just capitulated to evil and let it go unchallenged, and ignored?

And then you tell us of your own aunt getting robbed? Isn't THAT a logical outcome of the very policy you espoused in the other thread? More and more emboldened thieves who know that we, the good people, won't do anything to go after them?


What the old woman is doing is not smart. She is actively looking for a firefight with BG's. Chances are she could she end up finding trouble and not being able to get out of it alive. Or, she let loose with her .45 and maybe injure or kill an innocent person. Arresting BG's is the police's job, whether they do the best job they could is questionable. YOU CAN'T HAVE EVERYONE OUT THERE SERVING VIGILANTE JUSTICE, ITS DANGEROUS FOR EVERYBODY INVOLVED AND FOR THE INNOCENT BYSTANDERS. That's not America, that's not safe, and it's not right. I don't disagree with her conducting her own investigation, i disagree with her saying she is armed and wants to get even with the punks. I agree completely with being armed and ready defend yourself. I agree that we shouldn't rely on the police for every ounce of protection we need. But it is obviously not safe to have every UNTRAINED, EMOTIONAL (after all you just got robbed) PERSON OUT THERE HUNTING DOWN PEOPLE. How'd you like to be out shopping with your kids and have some old lady open up on some guys? How'd you feel when she kills an innocent person? Or when she gets killed by BG's?

As to my Aunt: I know what she was stupid. Her husband was stupid to let her do it. I wouldn't have done that. I do think it would have been safer for her if she would have been joined by an armed friend/relative incase a BG wanted to kill off witnesses. I wouldn't shoot a guy over the money; it's stupid and I'd be in jail real fast.

Azurefly, there's a difference between being prepared and playing COP and endangering the general public. That lady has no right to use her weapon in that manner. Citizens have no right aggressively use their firearms, in self-defense only. What happens when a person believe he/she should administer their own law results in a country like Iraq.

Hope this helps you gain some more understanding Azurefly.
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We apparently have each taken different things from the article. I did not get the sense that she is doing this to eventually CONFRONT her muggers. I got the sense that she is trying to pin down their identities, probably so that she can inform the detectives where to find them and arrest them.

How on earth can anyone excuse the cops for not going to the places where the credit cards were used and obtaining the video surveillance tapes?! They tell us that we should not mind being videotaped everywhere we go in public -- but I thought the damned intrusive surveillance-state was supposed to have a payoff in terms of helping to fight crime! Why did it fall to THE VICTIM to go to get copies of the tapes? Why is she being FORCED to do the police's job?! Don't tell me she doesn't have to: if SHE doesn't, NO ONE is going to be attempting to get these scum off the streets.

And if you really feel, without knowing anything about the training she has had or not had, that she's a loose cannon and will imminently be firing full mags into crowds, then maybe you don't really support the idea of CCW. I mean, after all, none of us knows in what scenario we may end up firing on attackers. WE don't know... YOU don't know, when and where you'll have to bring your firearm to bear against attackers. All you are focusing on is the worst case scenario... "She's going to be firing on two guys who are standing in front of the picture window of a day care with toddlers everywhere!..." :eek: I mean, let's be more realistic and say that there's a chance that she may shoot an innocent, but it is not a preponderance of the likely outcomes.

azurefly; so think its okay to track down BG"s yourself and shoot em dead in the streets? If you do, wow :eek: I understand the concept of CCW; its to DEFEND yourself, not to go on a VIGILANTE hunt. I understand the police should catch em, but they said they had hire priorities they were working on. The solution is not take the law into your own hands. CCW is for defense; not for pretending to be LEO and rambo'ing anyone you think deserves it.

I agree the guys are SOB's, but its not her right to gun 'em down. And you say "its not probable she's gonna hit an innocent person". If she fires that gun at them (not in self defense anymore) she's breaking the law. I really hope this is just a misunderstanding; because if you honestly believe she has the right to hunt them down and gun them down thats wrong. I agree its awesome she is helping out with her own investigation; but thats all it should be. Not a raid. Not an arrest. I understand she can put them under citizen's arrest; but that's not going to work (multiple, male BG's can physically over power an honest little old lady; which could end up in her shooting them when she should've just called the police).

I mean, let's be more realistic and say that there's a chance that she may shoot an innocent...

A small chance is too much in a VIGILANTE assault. In self-defense (by the way, i highly support CCW) it is acceptable. Why should the risk of an innocent person dying be acceptable so an old lady can get her revenge (not saving her life nor enforcing the law: for the law doesn't say purse thieves should be shot).

oneinthechamber said:
I don't disagree with her conducting her own investigation, i disagree with her saying she is armed and wants to get even with the punks. I agree completely with being armed and ready defend yourself. I agree that we shouldn't rely on the police for every ounce of protection we need. But it is obviously not safe to have every UNTRAINED, EMOTIONAL (after all you just got robbed) PERSON OUT THERE HUNTING DOWN PEOPLE.

But you support the idea of armed defense. What state do you think a person is in at the moment when he or she is attacked? Untrained and emotional at that moment is probably worse than untrained and emotional days later when one is "gunning for" the attackers. And I would expect that days later the person is a lot more calmed and collected than at the moment when attacked; but you don't have a problem with the person firing at that moment...

So on the one hand, you say that untrained and emotional people should not go looking for their former attackers; and on the other hand, you support people shooting back during an attack -- which is, of the two scenarios, probably when they are MORE likely to go off all nuts and inaccurate and ill-considered, possibly hurting innocents.

Edit: No, I never said that I think she should go and gun them down in cold blood. As much as I don't like the idea of them continuing to live, I agree that citizens should not be going out to do that, in a nation of laws. (More's the pity. Criminals should have to live in fear of what they have coming to them.)

I did not get the sense that the woman said she was going out to try to find these guys. In fact, she said that they were lucky she hadn't had her .45 auto on her at the time of the robbery; I did not read that she went home and got her gun and headed back, only that she extended her stay to go on the prowl for them. No mention of having gone back to retrieve her .45 auto, is there?

I support during an attack cause you have no choice. As an after fact after hunting them down; its your choice and its the wrong choice. Your life is no longer in danger. Remember, you don't fire on someone just cause they stole your purse. It has to be LIFE THREATENING.

Szymanski said Tuesday night she's unsure exactly how far she'll go with her investigation. But she wants the young men brought to justice.

"I want to smack those boys back," Szymanski said. "I don't want to see this happen to anyone else."

Oneinthechamber, you have repeatedly chastised the woman for being on a blood hunt. There is NO MENTION in the posted story of her being armed in pursuit of these guys. She is following the paper/video trail. There is NO QUOTE from her about wanting to catch up with her attackers and blow them away (innocents hurt or no innocents hurt in the process).

You are conjuring up a lot of your objections out of thin air; responding to things that are not contained in the story. One must presume that her ".45 auto" is left behind where she lives, as she traveled to be with her family and is away on vacation. She did not say that she has reacquired her gun for the purpose of this manhunt. And she said she wants to "smack those boys back," and wants them "brought to justice." Sounds to me more like she wants them arrested and imprisoned rather than to personally put them down like dogs in the street or in a crowded mall or movie theater.

You went off all crazy on this situation but most of your objections are to phantoms.

Could you please show us where you saw evidence that she plans to recklessly go and shoot these guys??

"They are lucky I didn't have my .45 automatic. I would have blasted them," said Szymanski.

Now, Szymanski is piping mad and "in hot pursuit," she said.

"Maybe I'm a little older, a little fluffier, and he thought I wasn't going to chase him," she said. "But I did."
"she said. "These boys need to know there are consequences."

How's that? She seems pissed to me, pissed enough to take aggressive action.
You are ascribing intentions to her that simply have not been expressed or evidenced. She has NOT said that she is planning to off these guys. She is pursuing them so that the police can apprehend them. Show me where it makes clear that this is not her intention. Show me where she said she will shoot them if given the chance. Show me where she clearly expresses (stated or otherwise) that she intends to kill the guys who robbed her -- and if you can do that, please go further and show us why you are convinced it will be done in a venue that puts many others at grave risk (and her at high risk of being caught).

Your position on this is based, as I said before, on phantoms and assumptions that you alone have to take responsibility for. Even the stuff you quoted does not establish vigilante and murderous intentions on the woman's part.

The "piping mad" comment is editorial embellishment on the part of the writer. Notice, it's not in quotes, like, "I'm piping mad and I'm after these guys' hides." She said she wants them to know there are consequences. That's exactly what might be said of someone who wants a person thrown in jail for his crimes, not dead by her own hand.
