Auguste Francotte revolver


Hi everyone!
I own Auguste Francotte revolver but I don't know too much about it. Here is a picture...
The information on the Francotte Webley-Pryse copy is good, but that gun does not use a Pryse latch, Still, it appears to be a reasonably well made example of a Belgian revolver - a copy, more or less, of a British type. Belgian gun makers produced few original products; most, like that one, were copies of designs originating elsewhere, mainly England, Germany, and the U.S.

Since so many guns were made in Belgium (mostly in or near Liege), and quality is not high, value is pretty low. Further, that gun appears to be missing something, maybe an extractor, beside or under the barrel. Such guns usually sell for under $100 as novelties; there is little collector interest.

Thank you everyone for informations. Gun has star ejector and he works perfectly. On the top of the barrel is written: A. Francotte a Liege. I want to keep it for myself but I'm not sure is it better to do refinishing again or keep it in this condition? What you mean?
If it has little collector value and you like it I wouldn't hesitate to have it refinished if that made me happy.