Audit criticizes Florida's concealed weapons program


New member
Just heard this on the news:

State workers have moved too slowly in rescinding the gun licenses of people arrested or convicted of crimes in many cases sampled by outside auditors, according to a critical review of Florida's concealed weapons program.

In its official response to the audit, the department blamed the "accuracy and timeliness issues" on staffing shortages and said it has taken steps to retrain its workers, improve its computer system and reform its reports. The Department has six months to show the state Legislative Auditing Committee how it has corrected the problem

Sounds like Fl is underfunding it's program. Not a good thing.
A year or two ago in Georgia (which incidentally has one of the worst CCW programs in the south), the ATF determined that firearms license in GA was no longer a valid exemption for NICS checks (even though it had been previously).

This was because Georgia was not revoking the licenses of people who had been convicted of felonies. After a long period of time, Georgia made some changes and our permit now allows NICS exemption again.

Florida better watch out, or the ATF will be on them.
Mandate a program then either underfund it or don't fund it at all.
That's the legacy of Prop. 13 and it's the American way.
Most of the funding in Florida to cover the cost of CC comes from user fees. I can't speak for government efficiency, but I want every person who should be disqualified, to have their license pulled. This would be good for law abiding citizens and give detractors less ammo to use against Second Amendment rights, favorable state laws and regulations.